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Mon Apr 16 04:54:25 GMT 2018
From /weblog/business
Why we should start small -[..]3/11/01/minimum-viable-product-benefits/[..]4/10/20/how-we-write-product-vision.html Most of product development is the middle part: the messy, weird, unintuitive place where you and your team are making hundreds of small decisions. If you are not looking to real people by continuously conducting user research and running hypothesis-driven tests, you’ll slowly (and with growing confidence) get far away from your actual goal: Making a product for real people. -[..]-things-come-to-think-of-it-42fa3d7cb415 Naming can be difficult -
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Mon Jul 29 16:01:22 GMT 2013
From /weblog/business
You Need Competitors The big problem with avoiding competition is that you are also avoiding customers. The existence of a competitor indicates the existence of paying customers. If you can't find anyone who is making money with your idea, you really need to wonder if there is any money to be made there at all.
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Sat Mar 02 08:49:01 GMT 2013
From /weblog/business
How to Master Influence Skills to Sell More Web Design Services - The programmer's definition: Quality = Stability The marketer's definition: Quality = Pretty GUI The CEO's definition: Quality = Sales[..]iscussTopicParent=14217&ixDiscussGroup=3 This article argue that use time to research on customer is more important than make sale... may be true, if you know how to research in a good way?[..]stomer-visits-to-understand-not-to-sell/ Will you make assumption base on yourself? -[..]1/does-slow-growth-equal-slow-death.html Discussion about sale without commissions -
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Tue Dec 02 04:19:25 GMT 2008
From /weblog/business/stock
Explain - 作為空軍必須造好五點: 一、一旦形勢不利便「Run for your life」,唔好等。 二、唔少所謂技術分析大師,只以過去股市表現去預測未來股市,但過去只可作為參考,未來唔係過去嘅延續。 三、買賣Put利潤可能係本金100%或虧損全部本金。同去澳門買大細差唔多;呢個行為係賭唔係投資。 四、買入股票最大風險係該股可能一文不值,拋空可以係無止境地虧蝕。 五、買Put贏咗錢後,最好立即計數,然後用較少量金錢買另一隻遠期Put。如股價繼續下跌,則可繼續賺錢,萬一股價止跌回升,亦可袋袋平安(只係賺少咗)。呢種方法叫做Rolling a position。
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Mon Mar 17 17:25:22 GMT 2008
From /weblog/business
A very nice article about consideration of developing software product, here is a quote: Most projects carried out by internal IT organizations suffer from budget overruns that occur for two reasons: excessive customization and changing requirements. In an effort to keep external customers—especially big, powerful ones—happy, many IT groups end up overcustomizing solutions and adding needless costs and complexity. One large consumer credit company almost doubled the time and money originally allocated to a new platform for institutional customers by trying to satisfy all of their operational and technology needs.[..]m/article_print.aspx?L2=13&L3=13&ar=1697 The other recommendation of developing good product for mobile device -[..]velopers_Guide_To_Marketing_Software.php
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Sat Mar 03 05:07:40 GMT 2007
From /weblog/business
Here is a Web site that does what a professional's Web site is supposed to do! Do you agree?
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Sat Mar 03 05:02:12 GMT 2007
From /weblog/business
This agreement between ______ (the "ISV") and ______ (the "Reseller") is effective as of _________, 2004. 1. The ISV agrees that all resellers are dinosaurs and will be extinct very soon. 2. The Reseller agrees that since it can add no real value to the business endeavors of the ISV, it will stop nagging and trying to slurp a percentange of the ISV's sales. 3. If any portion of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the enforceability of all remaining portions will remain intact.[..]iscussTopicParent=18500&ixDiscussGroup=5
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