It's not enough to write tests for an API you develop, you have to write unit tests for code that uses your API. When you do, you learn first-hand the hurdles that your users will have to overcome when they try to test their code independently.[..]MichaelFeathers.TheGoldenRuleOfApiDesign
Consistent naming conventions Standard terminology Uniform error responses Attention to detail (that’s the love part for APIs) REST APIs that work with only 2 resources and use 4 HTTP verbs (oh, there is so much more to talk about here…) Avoid API design by way of method-driven approach – that leads you down a slippery slope - See more at:[..]are-like-parenting/#sthash.Ux1LHMNU.dpuf
Good naming is part of design. It sets expectations and communicates a model, showing how something should be understood and used. If you mean to tell the reader getMillisSince1970, don’t say getTime. Specific names inspire you to consider alternatives, to question whether you’re capturing the right abstraction in the right way. It’s not just labeling and it’s not just java.util.Date: This is about the code you write and the code you use. -