light.txt 2024-04-04T01:42:27Z 2024-04-04T01:42:27Z <br/>Interesting, test speed of light with ping - <a href="">[..]experiments-to-derive-the-speed-of-light</a> <br/><br/>History of color photograph - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>光電效應:愛因斯坦的諾貝爾 - <a href="">[..]19/photoelectric-effect-einsteins-nobel/</a> <br/><br/>光速:宇宙高速公路的速度限制 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What exactly is a photon? Definition, properties, facts - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why Gold is yellow in color - <a href="">[..]other/feature-post/gold-color-relativity</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]the-new-science-of-seeing-around-corners</a> <br/><br/>Why is the ocean blue? - <a href="">[..]ther/feature-post/why-is-the-ocean-blue/</a> <br/><br/>How do night vision goggles work? - <a href="">[..]ow-do-night-vision-goggles-work-feature/</a> <br/><br/>Streetlights Are Mysteriously Turning Purple. Here’s Why - <a href="">[..]e-mysteriously-turning-purple-heres-why/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-04T01:42:27Z anient.txt 2024-04-03T13:38:32Z 2024-04-03T13:38:32Z <br/>四川現遠古生物「仙女蝦」 幼卵無懼100℃滾水 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>25 Extinct Animals That Scientists Want To Bring Back - <a href="">[..]-scientists-want-to-de-extinct/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Extinct-animals - <a href="">[..]ls-that-we-are-sad-to-see-gone/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>25 Most Bizarre Fossils Ever Discovered - <a href="">[..]izarre-fossils-ever-discovered/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Big frog - <a href="">[..]als-ecology/ancient-pacman-frog-0423432/</a> <br/><br/>25 Incredible Sea Monsters That Once Ruled The Oceans - <a href="">[..]sea-monsters-that-once-ruled-the-oceans/</a> <br/><br/>10 of the Weirdest Prehistoric Creatures - <a href="">[..]ience/10-weirdest-prehistoric-creatures/</a> <br/><br/>【蛛蠍混合體?】1億年歷史琥珀 藏新品種長尾蜘蛛 - <a href="">[..]ional/realtime/article/20180206/57797446</a> <br/><br/>The saber-toothed cat: the most memorable extinct megafauna - <a href="">[..]ce/saber-toothed-cat-about-facts-0943284</a> <br/><br/>neanderthals - <a href="">[..]00128-how-did-the-last-neanderthals-live</a> <br/><br/>Great Auk - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>New research explains why crocodiles are relatively unchanged since dinosaur times - <a href="">[..]cience/why-crocodiles-survived-08012021/</a> <br/><br/>Ancient hyenas hunted in the Arctic millions of years ago - <a href="">[..]ted-in-the-arctic-millions-of-years-ago/</a> <br/><br/>Big-brained birds were better at adapting to their rapidly shifting environment -- and that may have ultimately saved them. - <a href="">[..]oid-impact-that-wiped-out-the-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>The roughly 30-foot-long fossil found in England offers new clues to how ichthyosaurs evolved into marine titans. - <a href="">[..]fossil-is-one-of-the-largest-of-its-kind</a> <br/><br/>Scientists have learned more about the ancient animals in the last 25 years than in the previous 250—from the color of their skin and feathers to how they lived and evolved. - <a href="">[..]-get-a-modern-reboot-interactive-feature</a> <br/><br/>Mass extinction - <a href="">[..]cience/prehistoric-world/mass-extinction</a> <br/><br/>Cannibalism in animals is more common than you think - <a href="">[..]alism-common-leopards-fish-invertebrates</a> <br/><br/>Trilobite facts: from compound eyes to combat tridents, these remarkable fossils have a lot to say - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why giant prehistoric animals got smaller - <a href="">[..]hy-prehistoric-giant-animals-got-smaller</a> <br/><br/>It’s got 16.000 eyes and they’re all pointed at you — the ancient animal with the most eyes - <a href="">[..]ce/geology/anomalocaris-fossil-08122011/</a> <br/><br/>Everything you wanted to know about T Rex but were afraid to ask - <a href="">[..]ce/geology/tyrannosaurus-t-rex-08032011/</a> <br/><br/>52-million-year-old bat skeletons are the oldest ever—and tell a ‘really weird’ tale - <a href="">[..]ar-old-bat-skeletons-are-the-oldest-ever</a> <br/><br/>How amber creates exquisite fossils - <a href="">[..]ce/article/what-is-amber-fossils-science</a> <br/><br/>This ancient sea monster is the oldest mega-predatory pliosaur - <a href="">[..]r-is-the-oldest-mega-predatory-pliosaur/</a> <br/><br/>Mosasaurus: “Meuse Lizard” - <a href="">[..]y-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/mosasaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Ichthyosaurus: “Fish Lizard” - <a href="">[..]nd-paleontology/dinosaurs/ichthyosaurus/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-03T13:38:32Z SagAstarB_EHT_2000.jpg 2024-04-02T14:25:17Z 2024-04-02T14:25:17Z <br/><img src="/photo/cosmos/apod/SagAstarB_EHT_2000.jpg" id="main_img" alt="SagAstarB_EHT_2000.jpg"/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-02T14:25:17Z eclipse99_mir_960.jpg 2024-04-01T12:54:38Z 2024-04-01T12:54:38Z <br/><img src="/photo/cosmos/apod/eclipse99_mir_960.jpg" id="main_img" alt="eclipse99_mir_960.jpg"/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-01T12:54:38Z CometPons_Peirce_5119.jpg 2024-04-01T12:54:34Z 2024-04-01T12:54:34Z <br/><img src="/photo/cosmos/apod/CometPons_Peirce_5119.jpg" id="main_img" alt="CometPons_Peirce_5119.jpg"/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-01T12:54:34Z sleep.txt 2024-04-01T12:27:35Z 2024-04-01T12:27:35Z <br/>Are we really need 8 hours of sleep? <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Find the best sleep position - <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><br/>Why it is good to sleep together - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>中老年人怎樣睡個好覺? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Facts about sleep - <a href="">[..]nsane-facts-about-sleep-infographic.html</a> <br/><br/>關注男士健康 側身睡覺有利養肝 - <a href="">[..]6%BA%E6%9C%89%E5%88%A9%E9%A4%8A%E8%82%9D</a> <br/><br/>We all know that kind of situation very well. You are supposed to work or study but you cannot help dosing off. Sometimes, staying awake can be a real challenge; especially if you are tired or bored. Fortunately, there is a surprisingly wide range of various tricks and hacks to help you fight the annoying drowsiness. Here are 25 Ways To Stay Awake When All You Want To Do Is Sleep. - <a href="">[..]-awake-when-all-you-want-to-do-is-sleep/</a> <br/><br/>At least 7 hours sleep.... - <a href="">[..]-health-life/news/sleep-or-exercise.html</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]ch-might-help-you-sleep-better/?view=all</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]-sleep-you-probably-didnt-know/?view=all</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>about-sleep-paralysis - <a href="">[..]p-paralysis-that-make-it-scary/?view=all</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life: the new sleep science - <a href="">[..]-worst-enemy-matthew-walker-why-we-sleep</a> <a href="">[..]we-sleep-matt-walker-20171003-story.html</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]com/jeff-bezos-sleep-amazon-19c617c59daa</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]king-through-life-in-an-underslept-state</a> <br/><br/>10 things to know about sleep as the clocks go back - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]-deprivation-anxiety-depression-08012017</a> <br/><br/>Do and Don't after sleep bad night - <a href="">[..]p-disorders/ss/slideshow-sleep-bad-night</a> <br/><a href="">[..]ders/ss/slideshow-natural-sleep-remedies</a> <br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Naps help us process information we subconsciously acquire during the day - <a href="">[..]nce/short-subconscious-information-9543/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]nce/sleep-brainwave-reactivation-9236363</a> <br/><br/>Only sleep and sex at bed - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]/science/sleep-exam-results-mit-1342424/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]science-19/biology/interact-sleep-cycles</a> <br/><br/>10 Foods That Fight Pain - <a href="">[..]management/ss/slideshow-foods-fight-pain</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Sleep jerks - <a href="">[..]-while-you-drift-into-sleep-88f8d28d643a</a> <br/><br/>壓力,睡眠不足可能會導致腦震盪狀症狀 - <a href="">[..]ck-of-sleep-concussion-symptoms-9726424/</a> <br/><br/>【Wired 硬塞】明知不可為,為什麼你還是愛熬夜? - <a href="">[..]87-sleep-procrastination-psychology-tips</a> <br/><br/>Why Do We Dream? The Role Of Dreams - <a href="">[..].com/why-do-we-dream-the-role-of-dreams/</a> <br/><br/>Dream - <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]-about-dreams-you-might-not-be-aware-of/</a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Nightmares - <a href="">[..]disorders/ss/slideshow-nightmares-causes</a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>An Insomniac’s Guide to Dehumidifiers - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>We undergo sleep paralysis every night and don't notice it -- unless we're awake when it happens. - <a href="">[..]enomenon-at-the-boundary-of-wakefulness/</a> <br/><br/>Going to sleep before 10 PM could lower your risk of heart disease - <a href="">[..]ne/sleep-earlier-heart-disease-11112021/</a> <br/><br/>Consuming a diet higher in plant food and fibre, and lower in saturated fat and sugar, seems to be associated with better sleep – Marie-Pierre St-Onge - <a href="">[..]does-cheese-really-give-you-vivid-dreams</a> <br/><br/>Elite sleep genes allow lucky few to get full night’s sleep in just 4 hours - <a href="">[..]o-get-full-nights-sleep-in-just-4-hours/</a> <br/><br/>While We Sleep, Our Mind Goes on an Amazing Journey - <a href="">[..]</a> <br/><br/>Are you a ‘lark’ or an ‘owl’? Your body clock holds the answer. - <a href="">[..]-or-owl-your-body-clock-holds-the-answer</a> <br/><br/>Half of the participants were asked to imagine a “more positive ending” to their recurring nightmare while a specific sound frequency was played. They were then instructed to listen to that same frequency through headphones when they went to bed. When REM sleep occurred, usually within an hour of falling asleep, the people who received the sound therapy experienced fewer nightmares and overall more joyful dreams. - <a href="">[..]ness/how-to-reduce-recurring-nightmares/</a> <br/><br/>Can 4-7-8 Breathing Really Help You Fall Asleep Faster? - <a href="">[..]thing-really-help-you-fall-asleep-faster</a> <br/><br/>Stop telling yourself you’re not a morning person. If you want to be your most productive self, it’s time to change your habits. - <a href="">[..]-tricks-to-make-yourself-wake-up-earlier</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-01T12:27:35Z pollution.txt 2024-04-01T12:26:39Z 2024-04-01T12:26:39Z <br/><a href="">[..]e-sailboats-could-scoop-up-ocean-plastic</a> <br/><br/>垃圾危機新救星?澳洲科學家從「超級麥皮蟲」找到分解塑膠的方法 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]n-tell-you-if-water-is-clean-or-polluted</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-04-01T12:26:39Z bird.txt 2024-03-31T14:14:28Z 2024-03-31T14:14:28Z <br/>Rare birds - <a href="">[..]irds-you-might-have-never-seen/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Eagles - <a href="">[..]ht-change-the-way-you-see-them/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Owl - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Kiwi - <a href="">[..]animal-files-kiwi-birds-one-unique-birds</a> <br/><br/>Dodo - <a href="">[..]ls-ecology/dodo-lifestyle-study-0942423/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]e-exotic-birds-that-will-blow-your-mind/</a> <br/><br/>hummingbirds - <a href="">[..]ine/2017/07/the-science-of-hummingbirds/</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Birds and bats have very weird gut bacteria, and it’s likely linked to flying - <a href="">[..]ds-bats-gut-bacteria-microflora-8235235/</a> <br/><br/>hummingbirds - <a href="">[..]/hummingbirds-slow-motion-flight-videos/</a> <a href="">[..]ts-unlock-secret-of-why-hummingbirds-hum</a> <br/><br/>get-know-these-15-common-birds - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Crows and Ravens - <a href="">[..]are-smartest-birds-in-the-world-0952352/</a> <br/><br/>Why Birds Matter, and Are Worth Protecting - <a href="">[..]</a> <br/><br/>How a 5-Ounce Bird Stores 10,000 Maps in Its Head - <a href="">[..]unce-bird-stores-10000-maps-in-its-head/</a> <br/><br/>Bringing back the ‘most endangered bird’ in the U.S. - <a href="">[..]eeding-save-florida-grasshopper-sparrows</a> <br/><br/>Hornbill - <a href="">[..]ill-gets-a-protection-boost-in-thailand/</a> <a href="">[..]rnbill-bird-ivory-illegal-wildlife-trade</a> <br/><br/>Why do flamingoes stand on one leg? - <a href="">[..]post/why-do-flamingoes-stand-on-one-leg/</a> <br/><br/>First Proof That Wild Animals Really Can Communicate With Us - <a href="">[..]/honey-bees-africa-animals-science-birds</a> <br/><br/>The Epic Journeys of Migratory Birds - <a href="">[..]/bird-migration-albatross-climate-change</a> <br/><br/>A new species of bird discovered in Brazil has a green head, yellow belly, and a high risk of going extinct soon - <a href="">[..]-brazil-threatened-yellow-belly-3345634/</a> <br/><br/>This is how land birds can fly across the open ocean - <a href="">[..]and-birds-can-fly-across-the-open-ocean/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists may have cracked an essential secret of shorebirds’ marathon migrations. - <a href="">[..]m/features/flying-by-the-fat-of-the-sea/</a> <br/><br/>Migratory birds have lighter feathers to deal with the heat - <a href="">[..]ratory-birds-lightered-colored-06122021/</a> <br/><br/>A look inside the monumental effort to save the Andean condor - <a href="">[..]umental-effort-to-save-the-andean-condor</a> <br/><br/>These wings are made for walking: a look at the flightless birds roaming our planet - <a href="">[..]gs-for-walking-flightless-birds-feature/</a> <br/><br/>Meet the Potoo bird: the living meme - <a href="">[..]nce/meet-the-potoo-bird-the-living-meme/</a> <br/><br/>There are more than 300 species of pigeons in the world—many of which are drop-dead gorgeous. “They’re the world’s most overlooked birds.” - <a href="">[..]icle/pigeons-diversity-doves-photographs</a> <br/><br/>How many birds are there in the world? - <a href="">[..]y/how-many-birds-are-there-in-the-world/</a> <br/><br/>What Do Crows Eat? An In-Depth Look at the Diet of These Intelligent Birds - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The Greater Honeyguide: A Fascinating Tale of Coevolution Between Birds and Humans - <a href="">[..]ature-post/greater-honeyguide-evolution/</a> <br/><br/>Monogamous birds may divorce when their partners cheat or are migrating - <a href="">[..]ws-science/monogamous-birds-may-divorce/</a> <br/><br/>Rufous Hummingbird — the feisty and mighty migrating nomads - <a href="">[..]-the-feisty-and-mighty-migrating-nomads/</a> <br/><br/>These people figured out how to talk to birds. The birds now adapt to different dialects - <a href="">[..]e-birds-now-adapt-to-different-dialects/</a> <br/><br/>Rare bird with half male and half female plumage photographed in Colombia - <a href="">[..]half-female-plumage/?utm_source=nicenews</a> <br/><br/>How do birds mate? The basics of avian sex - <a href="">[..]/animals/birds/how-birds-mate-avian-sex/</a> <br/><br/>The Sword-billed hummingbird: The only bird with a beak longer than its body - <a href="">[..]mals/birds/the-sword-billed-hummingbird/</a> <br/><br/>Can peacocks fly? A look at nature’s trade-offs - <a href="">[..]sciences/animals/birds/can-peacocks-fly/</a> <br/><br/>What It Took to Find and Photograph the Helmeted Hornbill - <a href="">[..]news-finding-helmeted-hornbills-thailand</a> <br/><br/>How AI is helping scientists protect birds - <a href="">[..]rds-apps-ai-citizen-science-conservation</a> <br/><br/>The harrowing 5,000-mile flight of North America's wild whooping cranes - <a href="">[..]oping-cranes-migration-flight-endangered</a> <br/><br/>Interactions between birds may look chaotic, but there’s a method to the madness. Play to find out which ones dominate at your feeder and why. <a href="">[..]/bird-feeder-interactions-dominance-quiz</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-31T14:14:28Z dinosaur.txt 2024-03-30T12:49:36Z 2024-03-30T12:49:36Z <br/>The Strange Allosaurus: The Carnivorous Colossus of the Jurassic - <a href="">[..]y-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/allosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>The Fearsome Megalosaurus: A Glimpse into the Jurassic World - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/megalosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>dinosaurs - <a href="">[..]u-might-need-to-stop-believing/?view=all</a> <a href="">[..]acts-you-might-not-know-about-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>一頭挑食的結節龍 最後的晚餐吃什麼? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Inside the homes (and minds) of fossil collectors - <a href="">[..]19/09/dinosaur-fossils-collector-feature</a> <br/><br/>The strange search for dinosaur genitals - <a href="">[..]the-strange-search-for-dinosaur-genitals</a> <br/><br/>The iconic Stegosaurus: from its trademark plates to the spiky tail - <a href="">[..]-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/stegosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>The mighty triceratops: A tale of three horns - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-59a39a12de-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Velociraptor: clawing through the myths of an iconic dinosaur - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/velociraptor/</a> <br/><br/>How dinosaurs are named: there’s a method to it - <a href="">[..]ology/dinosaurs/how-dinosaurs-are-named/</a> <br/><br/>A Musical Dinosaur? The Mysterious Parasaurolophus - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/dinosaurs/parasaurolophus/</a> <br/><br/>Before dinosaurs: the ferocious ‘terrible-headed’ predator that ruled South America - <a href="">[..]/news-science/pampaphoneus-south-america</a> <br/><br/>Hadrosaurus: The Duck-Billed Dinosaur That Made History - <a href="">[..]-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/hadrosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>10 Triassic Dinosaurs You Should Know - <a href="">[..]leontology/dinosaurs/triassic-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>10 Jurassic Dinosaurs You Should Know - <a href="">[..]leontology/dinosaurs/jurassic-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>The 10 Largest Dinosaurs to Ever Walk the Earth - <a href="">[..]ontology/dinosaurs/10-largest-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>The 10 Smallest Dinosaurs to Ever Walk the Earth - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Argentinosaurus: “Argentina Lizard” - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/dinosaurs/argentinosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Iguanodon: “Iguana Tooth” - <a href="">[..]gy-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/iguanodon/</a> <br/><br/>Ankylosaurus: “Fused Lizard” - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/ankylosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Carcharodontosaurus: “Shark-toothed Lizard” - <a href="">[..]eontology/dinosaurs/carcharodontosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Tarbosaurus: “Alarming Lizard” - <a href="">[..]-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/tarbosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Newly found 120-million-year-old crocodile ancestor was built like a tank - <a href="">[..]s-science/crocodile-ancestor-garzapelta/</a> <br/><br/>Therizinosaurus: “Scythe Lizard” - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/dinosaurs/therizinosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Styracosaurus: “Spiked Lizard” - <a href="">[..]nd-paleontology/dinosaurs/styracosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Deinocheirus: “Terrible Hand” - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/deinocheirus/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-30T12:49:36Z time.txt 2024-03-30T12:34:56Z 2024-03-30T12:34:56Z <br/>Quasar ‘clocks’ show universe was five times slower soon after the Big Bang - <a href="">[..]r-clocks-time-slows-down-early-universe/</a> <br/><br/>Melting polar ice is changing Earth’s rotation and slowing down time. Here’s how this will affect the leap second - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-30T12:34:56Z Expert vs Novice.txt 2024-03-30T11:45:38Z 2024-03-30T11:45:38Z <br/>Novice - Needs to be told exactly what to do. Very little context to base decisions off of.<br/>Advanced beginner - Has more context for decisions, but still needs rigid guidelines to follow.<br/>Competent - Begins to question the reasoning behind the tasks, and can see longer term consequences.<br/>Proficient - Still relies on rules, but able to seperate what is most important.<br/>Expert - Works mainly on intuition, except in circumstances where problems occur<br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]summary-of-protocol-analysis-verbal.html</a> <br/><br/>When we process data too broadly, we process nothing deeply. When we process too much data, we actually lose information - <a href="">[..]hk/2016/01/doing-more-by-doing-less.html</a> <br/><br/>The right teamwork can amplify our individual work. Several perceptive, creative people operating in parallel can see more of the world--and see the world in more ways--than any of the individuals in isolation. The right teams, whether in trading or in romantic relationships, make us better. - <a href="">[..]teamwork-in-trading-processing-more.html</a> <br/><br/>Forget 10,000 hours. The Helsinki Bus Station theory outlines a distinct strategy that separates success from failure - <a href="">[..]tegy-that-separates-success-from-failure</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-30T11:45:38Z psychology.txt 2024-03-27T13:23:49Z 2024-03-27T13:23:49Z <br/>psychology-tells-you-about-yourself - <a href="">[..]ology-tells-you-about-yourself/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Why do people stack stones in the wild? - <a href="">[..]stones-and-where-to-see-them-in-the-wild</a> <br/><br/>Doublespeak works, and it protects manipulative speakers from being perceived as liars - <a href="">[..]uphemism-usage-insulation-lying-2625334/</a> <br/><br/>調查:「藍色星期一」最有生產力 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Narcissist - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>【趣味科普】同理心等於同情心?可以後天鍛鍊嗎? - <a href="">[..]om/realtime/supplement/20160712/55345201</a> <br/><br/>Lie/Cheat - <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]o-know-someone-is-lying-to-you/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>We need medical and psychological treatments for pain. But we also need to recognize that medical treatments have been overused. - <a href="">[..]ment-psychology-cbt-mindfulness-evidence</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Few article about positive psychology - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>psychology life hack - <a href="">[..]psychological-life-hacks-you-should.html</a> <br/><br/>How to spot a liar: three cognitive techniques from science - <a href="">[..]three-cognitive-techniques-from-science/</a> <br/><br/>How to think about pleasure - <a href="">[..]humanism-philosophys-defence-of-pleasure</a> <br/><br/>Do women really like beards? Here’s what the science says - <a href="">[..]ture-post/do-women-like-beards-18052021/</a> <br/><br/>Why We Lie: The Science Behind Our Deceptive Ways - <a href="">[..]ne/article/lying-hoax-false-fibs-science</a> <br/><br/>It only works for those who have a somewhat conspiracy mindset. Those with entrenched views are less likely to get the vaccine no matter what. - <a href="">[..]vaccine-as-long-as-their-friends-do-too/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]erence-between-psychopath-and-sociopath/</a> <br/><br/>Types of Depression - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The “superstar effect”: how the best chess players affect those around them — and why it matters - <a href="">[..]/pieces/superstar-chess-effect-08102021/</a> <br/><br/>Why You Need to Win - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Your altered identities may never let you know if you have dissociative identity disorder, and sometimes it's for the collective good. - <a href="">[..]ing-into-dissociative-identity-disorder/</a> <br/><br/>Based on their responses during these five experiments, the team explains that people tend to seek out information based predominantly on one of the three factors — expected utility, emotional impact, and relevance to their interests. They add that the three-factor model they establish could be used to more accurately predict a participant’s choices to seek or refuse information compared to a range of other models they tested. - <a href="">[..]ion-seeking-motivation-traits-246272452/</a> <br/><br/>1. Imposing cognitive load<br/>2. Encouraging the interviewee to say more<br/>3. Asking unanticipated questions<br/><a href="">[..]three-cognitive-techniques-from-science/</a> <br/><br/>boring-sadism-narcissism - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What is Stockholm syndrome? - <a href="">[..]ence/what-is-stockholm-syndrome-feature/</a> <br/><br/>If all your boyfriends or girlfriends look like your parents, Freud's ghost could be slowly nodding with a knowing look somewhere. - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>They're less aggressive but more likely to be master manipulators that could turn your life into a mess. - <a href="">[..]eople-with-high-empathy-but-dark-traits/</a> <br/><br/>The Kindness Test is the world's largest survey on what it means to be kind. It's shed light on the barriers that stop us being kind – but also that empathy truly is international. - <a href="">[..]0323-what-stops-people-from-being-kinder</a> <br/><br/>Does the ‘Superhero’ pose actually make people feel more confident? - <a href="">[..]ctually-make-people-feel-more-confident/</a> <br/><br/>A brain region that is associated with reward perception and impulsive behavior is 10% larger in psychopaths. - <a href="">[..]explain-why-some-people-are-psychopaths/</a> <br/><br/>Concerning ‘Mind After Midnight’ theory shows why you shouldn’t stay up at night - <a href="">[..]shows-why-you-shouldnt-stay-up-at-night/</a> <br/><br/>Unlike an infectious disease or cancer, avoidance and suppression of anxiety will almost certainly amplify it, while simultaneously exacting an opportunity cost by preventing us from finding productive ways to cope and to build skills of emotional resilience. This is the vicious cycle of anxiety, spiralling it out of control: feeling anxiety as dangerous, fearing it, and ultimately fleeing from it through suppression and avoidance. - <a href="">[..]017-how-to-use-anxiety-to-your-advantage</a> <br/><br/>To reduce this anxiety, she proposes a two-fold strategy for students to consider as they revise. First, they can raise their belief in their own abilities by reminding themselves of just how much they know. Second, they can diminish the significance of the test by reminding themselves that, while it is important, it is not a life or death situation. It really isn’t. Really… - <a href="">[..]iety-does-not-cause-bad-results-in-exams</a> <br/><br/>Why We Lie: The Science Behind Our Deceptive Ways - <a href="">[..]ne/article/lying-hoax-false-fibs-science</a> <br/><br/>How Being Bullied Affects Your Adulthood - <a href="">[..]how-being-bullied-affects-your-adulthood</a> <br/><br/>Empathy gap: study shows women are more attuned to others’ feelings - <a href="">[..]men-are-more-attuned-to-others-feelings/</a> <br/><br/>Can you really tell if someone is lying? Here's what the experts say. - <a href="">[..]magazine/article/physical-signs-of-lying</a> <br/><br/>Why are some people so competitive? The psychology of competitiveness - <a href="">[..]h/mind-brain/why-people-are-competitive/</a> <br/><br/>Opposite don’t actually attract: revelations from a century of data on human relationships - <a href="">[..]posite-dont-attract-human-relationships/</a> <br/><br/>There was, however, a striking association between belief-speaking and low trustworthiness of sources for Republicans: A 10% increase in belief-speaking was associated with a 12.8-point decrease in the quality of cited sources. - <a href="">[..]times-be-considered-honest-new-research/</a> <br/><br/>Empathy is a trait that can be learned and “transmitted” - <a href="">[..]ait-that-can-be-learned-and-transmitted/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-27T13:23:49Z virus.txt 2024-03-27T13:23:25Z 2024-03-27T13:23:25Z <br/>OUR VIRAL WORLD - <a href="">[..]02/see-how-viruses-look-up-close-feature</a> <br/><br/>Are viruses alive? <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Superspreaders: Humans pass twice as many viruses to animals as we catch from them - <a href="">[..]humans-twice-as-many-viruses-to-animals/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-27T13:23:25Z city.txt 2024-03-27T06:19:27Z 2024-03-27T06:19:27Z <br/>Not ‘if’, but ‘when’: city planners need to design for flooding. These examples show the way - <a href="">[..]or-flooding-these-examples-show-the-way/</a> <br/><br/>Rumble in the concrete jungle: what history teaches us about urban defense - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Garbology: How to spot patterns in people's waste - <a href="">[..]gy-how-to-spot-patterns-in-peoples-waste</a> <br/><br/>The decline of the city grid - <a href="">[..]/2022/12/20/the-decline-of-the-city-grid</a> <br/><br/>What does a structural engineer do, according to experts - <a href="">[..]e-post/what-does-structural-engineer-do/</a> <br/><br/>Plumbing discovery reveals the rise and fall of the Roman Empire - <a href="">[..]s-the-rise-and-fall-of-the-roman-empire/</a> <br/><br/>This Texas building has self-cooling walls - <a href="">[..]mselves-cold-so-you-dont-need-as-much-ac</a> <br/><br/>The Mayans mastered water management. What can we learn from them? - <a href="">[..]-we-learn-an-important-lesson-from-them/</a> <br/><br/>How Toronto transformed a highway underpass into a vibrant public space - <a href="">[..]ay-underpass-into-a-vibrant-public-space</a> <br/><br/>9 lesser known architectural wonders we lost to time - <a href="">[..]n-architectural-wonders-we-lost-to-time/</a> <br/><br/>Rechargeable concrete batteries could make buildings double as energy storage - <a href="">[..]science/rechargeable-concrete-batteries/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-27T06:19:27Z archaeological.txt 2024-03-27T06:13:22Z 2024-03-27T06:13:22Z <br/>These archaeological findings unlocked the stories of our ancestors - <a href="">[..]ked-the-stories-of-our-ancestors-feature</a> <br/><br/>UNEARTHING 100 TREASURES OF THE PAST - <a href="">[..]aeological-treasures-of-the-past-feature</a> <br/><br/>What’s behind the mystery of Easter Island’s statues? - <a href="">[..]ther/feature-post/easter-island-statues/</a> <br/><br/>Stonehenge - <a href="">[..]amid-a-prehistoric-building-boom-feature</a> <a href="">[..]ngth-and-smarts-built-stonehenge-feature</a> <a href="">[..]als-stonehenges-secrets-as-never-before?</a> <a href="">[..]ticle/stonehenge-behind-the-cover-august</a> <br/><br/>The mystery ancient toys puzzling archaeologists - <a href="">[..]est-toys-what-toys-were-used-in-the-past</a> <br/><br/>The messages that survived civilisation's collapse - <a href="">[..]818-how-to-write-a-message-to-the-future</a> <br/><br/>The mystery of the human sacrifices buried in Europe's bogs - <a href="">[..]-human-sacrifices-buried-in-europes-bogs</a> <br/><br/>A Zimbabwean archaeologist reimagines the story of a momentous African civilisation - <a href="">[..]ls/2021/12/18/great-zimbabwe-archaeology</a> <br/><br/>Archaeology in Iraq shows how people lived 5,000 years ago - <a href="">[..]q-shows-how-people-lived-5000-years-ago/</a> <br/><br/>Prehistoric workshop loaded with hundreds of 1.2 million-year-old obsidian tools found in Africa - <a href="">[..]year-old-obsidian-tools-found-in-africa/</a> <br/><br/>25 Oldest Buildings in the World - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Digging the stars: Galactic archaeology is a key to the universe’s past - <a href="">[..]ost/pieces/what-is-galactic-archaeology/</a> <br/><br/>This ancient society helped build the modern world. - <a href="">[..]mer-cradle-civilization-tigris-euphrates</a> <br/><br/>These Roman swords were hidden in a Dead Sea cave—and they’re remarkably well preserved - <a href="">[..]n-swords-spatha-cave-bar-kokhba-dead-sea</a> <br/><br/>Bronze Age stilt village had “cozy” houses with insulation, honey venison, and even a recycling bin - <a href="">[..]-honey-venison-and-even-a-recycling-bin/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-27T06:13:22Z brain.txt 2024-03-27T06:08:50Z 2024-03-27T06:08:50Z <br/>腦植入設備的未來 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why Your Brain Is So Foggy - <a href="">[..]/why-your-brain-is-so-foggy-2adf0a48b926</a> <br/><br/>Texting and watching TV at the same time? It might make your memory worse, according to this new study - <a href="">[..]nd-brain/media-fatigue-screens-02112020/</a> <br/><br/>ASMR and the brain: what we know so far about this unique phenomenon - <a href="">[..]/mind-and-brain/asmr-in-the-bran-042332/</a> <br/><br/>The mysterious cause of stuttering in the brain - <a href="">[..]er-from-a-stutter?ocid=global_future_rss</a> <br/><br/>human-brain-cosmos - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why Do People Lie? The Truth about Dishonesty - <a href="">[..]do-people-lie-the-truth-about-dishonesty</a> <br/><br/>What is a stroke? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How Trustworthy Are Your Memories? - <a href="">[..]cience/how-trustworthy-are-your-memories</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]item/why-is-the-human-brain-so-efficient</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]1008-why-the-normal-brain-is-just-a-myth</a> <br/><br/>Scientists discover a pattern of brain connectivity linked to anger and aggression - <a href="">[..]ectivity-linked-to-anger-and-aggression/</a> <br/><br/>人腦越來越小 又關facebook事? - <a href="">[..]om/realtime/supplement/20160705/55315802</a> <br/><br/>Brain - <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How our brain change - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Repetition of stories helps us to consolidate our memories of what happened to us – so-called episodic memories. If we can’t socialise as much, perhaps it’s not surprising that those memories don’t feel as crystal clear as usual. - <a href="">[..]ticle/20201113-covid-19-affecting-memory</a> <br/><br/>面對重大災難,重要的是別做哪些事 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why ketamine is so good against depression - <a href="">[..]-ketamine-is-so-good-against-depression/</a> <br/><br/>Brain activity while coding differs from processing language or doing math - <a href="">[..]oding-differs-processing-language-maths/</a> <br/><br/>Why the human brain grows three times larger than that of chimps or gorillas - <a href="">[..]-larger-than-that-of-chimps-or-gorillas/</a> <br/><br/>記憶中最初的感動消失了?研究證實大腦會自動把記憶「重新組合」保存 - <a href="">[..]rticle/23861-brain-control-your-memories</a> <br/><br/>Brain Gain, taking Adderall - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Memories Can Be Altered in Mice. Are Humans Next? - <a href="">[..]emory-manipulation-research-neuroscience</a> <br/><br/>Our brain is hard-wired to make life more complicated rather than simple. Here’s a simple lifehack - <a href="">[..]her-than-simple-heres-a-simple-lifehack/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists pinpoint brain circuit for spirituality - <a href="">[..]pinpoint-brain-circuit-for-spirituality/</a> <br/><br/>Learning music changes how our brains process language, and vice-versa - <a href="">[..]training-sound-processing-brain-2773461/</a> <br/><br/>Meet the people who literally feel no fear - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Filler sounds may have an important purpose. - <a href="">[..]s-your-brain-is-actually-working-harder/</a> <br/><br/>Our brains fire up their ‘prediction engine’ when faced with uncertainty — at least with music - <a href="">[..]rain-prediction-engine-music-6317531234/</a> <br/><br/>White matter density in our brains at birth may influence how easily we learn to understand and use language - <a href="">[..]nfant-brain-language-abilities-26787245/</a> <br/><br/>The field is rife with 'neurosexism'. - <a href="">[..]male-and-female-brains-really-different/</a> <br/><br/>Pill for your thoughts: what are nootropics? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Our brains don’t pick the shortest route between two points — they pick ‘the pointiest’ one - <a href="">[..]ain-navigation-pointiest-route-99262492/</a> <br/><br/>Neuroscience’s Existential Crisis<br/>We’re mapping the brain in amazing detail—but our brain can’t understand the picture. - <a href="">[..]he-edge/neurosciences-existential-crisis</a> <br/><br/>The last great mystery of the mind: meet the people who have unusual – or non-existent – inner voices - <a href="">[..]ave-unusual-or-non-existent-inner-voices</a> <br/><br/>To Be Energy-Efficient, Brains Predict Their Perceptions - <a href="">[..]rains-predict-their-perceptions-20211115</a> <br/><br/>Where are memories stored in the brain? They may be hidding in the connections between your brain cells - <a href="">[..]edicine/where-memory-stored-brain-09543/</a> <br/><br/>A Long, Strange Trip: Psychedelics Meet Mainstream Medicine - <a href="">[..]ealth/story/psychedelic-assisted-therapy</a> <br/><br/>Scientists Watch a Memory Form in a Living Brain - <a href="">[..]a-memory-form-in-a-living-brain-20220303</a> <br/><br/>Why We Listen to Music With Lyrics We Don’t Understand - <a href="">[..]ongs-foreign-language-macarena-despacito</a> <br/><br/>Creative brains employ unique patterns of connectivity, favoring long-distance connections - <a href="">[..]ive-brains-connectivity-patterns-863634/</a> <br/><br/>The brain can count small numbers or compare large ones. But it struggles to understand the value of a single large number. This fact may be influencing how people react to numbers about the pandemic. - <a href="">[..]-human-brain-is-terrible-at-big-numbers/</a> <br/><br/>What is eidetic memory: the poor man’s photographic memory - <a href="">[..]emory-the-poor-mans-photographic-memory/</a> <br/><br/>It suggests that, for an ant at least, having a bigger brain is important for doing well in a large society – but that more complex social systems with greater division of labour might, in contrast, prompt their brains to shrink. That could be because cognitive capabilities get divided up and distributed among many members of the group, who have various roles to play. - <a href="">[..]er-3000-years-ago?ocid=global_future_rss</a> <br/><br/>On the Edge of Chaos: Why Your Brain Balances on a High Wire - <a href="">[..]balances-on-a-high-wire/?ftag=CAD1acfa04</a> <br/><br/>This optical illusion can help researchers better understand our pupils — and our brain - <a href="">[..]n/optic-illusion-pupils-brains-08062022/</a> <br/><br/>You can grow new brain cells. Here's how - <a href="">[..]_you_can_grow_new_brain_cells_here_s_how</a> <br/><br/>牠真聰明 科學家發現章魚與人類大腦的相似之處 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How our brains cope with speaking more than one language - <a href="">[..]aking-other-languages-changes-your-brain</a> <br/><br/>Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain - <a href="">[..]ed-by-a-chemical-imbalance-in-the-brain/</a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The Neuroscience Behind Bad Decisions - <a href="">[..]em/the-neuroscience-behind-bad-decisions</a> <br/><br/>What is so special about the human brain? - <a href="">[..]what_is_so_special_about_the_human_brain</a> <br/><br/>Can 'magic mushrooms' and MDMA cure depression? - <a href="">[..]psychedelic-drugs-might-treat-depression</a> <br/><br/>As children, these people literally lost half their brains. However, their face and word recognition is only 10% poorer than whole-brained peers - <a href="">[..]only-10-poorer-than-whole-brained-peers/</a> <br/><br/>“Optical electrodes” can read your mind, paving the way toward fully-functional prosthetics and brain-machine interfaces - <a href="">[..]s-prosthetics-nerves-interaction-923524/</a> <br/><br/>Paralyzed patients can now connect their iPhones to their brains to type messages using thoughts alone - <a href="">[..]s-to-type-messages-using-thoughts-alone/</a> <br/><br/>A brain region that was assumed to house consciousness turns out to just be the brain’s router - <a href="">[..]-turns-out-to-just-be-the-brains-router/</a> <br/><br/>What’s your earliest memory? Statistically speaking, it’s likely from when you were two-and-a-half years old, according to a new study. - <a href="">[..]-memories-earlier-than-believed-9426363/</a> <br/><br/>Why some people can't tell left from right - <a href="">[..]hy-some-people-cant-tell-left-from-right</a> <br/><br/>Neurons are not the only brain cells that think - <a href="">[..]-are-not-the-only-brain-cells-that-think</a> <br/><br/>What makes things cute? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Scientists map an insect’s brain for the first time – and it’s just incredible - <a href="">[..]-the-first-time-and-its-just-incredible/</a> <br/><br/>Implicit Memory: What Is It And What Does It Do? - <a href="">[..]alth/mind-brain/what-is-implicit-memory/</a> <br/><br/>Using your phone’s GPS all the time can impair your spatial memory - <a href="">[..]the-time-can-impair-your-spatial-memory/</a> <br/><br/>How baby talk shapes the young developing brain - <a href="">[..]y-talk-shapes-the-young-developing-brain</a> <br/><br/>Weed meta: Cannabis doesn’t make you more creative but makes you THINK you are - <a href="">[..]/cannabis-doesnt-make-you-more-creative/</a> <br/><br/>When I first spoke to McGaugh, he told me that the real question at the heart of HSAM wasn’t why his subjects remember, but why we forget. “The overall summary of all of this is that they’re bad forgetters,” he said. And forgetting is what humans do; often what we need to do. The title character in Jorge Luis Borges’s story Funes the Memorious, who acquires a perfect memory as the result of an accident, can no longer sleep because he is kept awake by the thousand mundane memories that whined like mosquitoes in his ears. The “peculiar mixture of forgetting with our remembering,” wrote William James, one of the founders of modern psychology, “is the very keel on which our mental ship is built.” “If we remembered everything,” he continued, “we should on most occasions be as ill off as if we remembered nothing.” - <a href="">[..]total-recall-the-people-who-never-forget</a> <br/><br/>Does LSD make you smarter? New evidence suggests it promotes learning and memory - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>When a brain injury impairs memory, a pulse of electricity may help - <a href="">[..]s-memory-a-pulse-of-electricity-may-help</a> <br/><br/>What rats on LSD can teach us about the seat of consciousness in the brain - <a href="">[..]-the-seat-of-consciousness-in-the-brain/</a> <br/><br/>A bilingual brain can help you filter out information efficiently - <a href="">[..]-you-filter-out-information-efficiently/</a> <br/><br/>Why high inflation will never go away (from your head) - <a href="">[..]perience-inflation-behavioral-economics/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists Lightly Zapped People’s Brains and Made Them Easier to Hypnotize - <a href="">[..]nial-magnetic-stimulation-tms-1851141536</a> <br/><br/>Do we think in words or pictures? - <a href="">[..]ind-brain/do-we-think-words-or-pictures/</a> <br/><br/>Rats on cocaine show there’s more to addiction than just dopamine - <a href="">[..]/impulsivity-cocaine-dopamine-addiction/</a> <br/><br/>A Jolt to the Brain: Targeted Electrical Stimulation During Sleep May Enhance Memory - <a href="">[..]tion-during-sleep-enhances-memory-study/</a> <br/><br/>The exact reason why these brains remain preserved while other soft tissues deteriorate remains a mystery. But it might have to do with the brain’s unique chemical composition. The brain has a 1-to-1 ratio of proteins to lipids, which is distinct from other soft tissues that contain more carbohydrates and have different protein-to-lipid ratios. This specific ratio could be crucial, especially when metals like iron are introduced, potentially causing proteins and lipids to bind together and last longer. Many such preserved brains were found to contain iron oxide — also known as rust. <a href="">[..]d-intact-human-brains-baffle-scientists/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-27T06:08:50Z communication.txt 2024-03-23T07:18:59Z 2024-03-23T07:18:59Z <br/>溝通的最高境界,如何像律師一樣爭論 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Stick to one theme--one number--per slide. Your audience will thank you. - <a href="">[..]ke-their-slides-instantly-memorable.html</a> <br/><br/>The Tricks to Make Yourself Effortlessly Charming - <a href="">[..]s-to-make-yourself-effortlessly-charming</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Persuading the Unpersuadable - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Two-way writeups - <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]-writeups-coda-s-secret-to-shipping-fast</a> <br/><br/>Why storytelling may be the secret to success at work - <a href="">[..]ing-may-be-the-secret-to-success-at-work</a> <br/><br/>3 ways to respond to difficult questions you don’t want to answer - <a href="">[..]ficult-questions-you-dont-want-to-answer</a> <br/><br/>What to say instead of ‘I’m sorry’ - <a href="">[..]90972667/what-to-say-instead-of-im-sorry</a> <br/><br/>How to deal with people who pretend to know more than they do - <a href="">[..]th-people-pretend-know-more-than-they-do</a> <br/><br/>Are you a ‘super communicator’? 3 habits of people who are great at communicating - <a href="">[..]of-people-who-are-great-at-communicating</a> <br/><br/>5 techniques to turn the way you talk into a superpower - <a href="">[..]-turn-the-way-you-talk-into-a-superpower</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-23T07:18:59Z linguistic.txt 2024-03-23T06:32:23Z 2024-03-23T06:32:23Z <br/><a href="">[..]cience/sign-language-evolution-21012020/</a> <br/><br/>In the 19th century, a man living in present-day Liberia dreamed of the first script for his native Vai language. Today linguistic anthropologists are digging into the script’s evolution—and what the changes over the past two centuries reveal about human cognition and society. - <a href="">[..]-reveals-about-the-evolution-of-writing/</a> <br/><br/>What the Vai Script Reveals About the Evolution of Writing - <a href="">[..]-reveals-about-the-evolution-of-writing/</a> <br/><br/>Syntax: the language form - <a href="">[..]om/syntax-the-language-form-612257c4aa5f</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-23T06:32:23Z leotripletasi294large.jpg 2024-03-22T13:15:04Z 2024-03-22T13:15:04Z <br/><img src="/photo/cosmos/apod/leotripletasi294large.jpg" id="main_img" alt="leotripletasi294large.jpg"/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-22T13:15:04Z shark.txt 2024-03-22T03:43:55Z 2024-03-22T03:43:55Z <br/>Scared of sharks? This photographer aims to turn shark fear into fascination - <a href="">[..]aims-to-turn-shark-fear-into-fascination</a> <br/><br/>Scientists have discovered the world’s largest omnivore – and it’s a shark - <a href="">[..]rgest-omnivore-and-its-a-shark-28072022/</a> <br/><br/>Whale Sharks: The Gentle Giants of the Ocean - <a href="">[..]ther/feature-post/whale-sharks-29032022/</a> <br/><br/>The Greenland shark: A mysterious and fascinating creature of the deep - <a href="">[..]us-and-fascinating-creature-of-the-deep/</a> <br/><br/>Exploring the Different Types of Sharks: From Great Whites to Lemon Sharks - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The Lemon shark: an elusive but familiar predator - <a href="">[..]-shark-an-elusive-but-familiar-predator/</a> <br/><br/>“Why Sharks Matter: A Deep Dive with the World’s Most Misunderstood Predator” digs into why we need sharks and what we can do to protect them. - <a href="">[..]-is-here-to-convince-world-sharks-matter</a> <br/><br/>Sizing up sharks, the lords of the sea - <a href="">[..]es-family-tree-ocean-ecosystem-predator/</a> <br/><br/>The new shark species emerging from the deep - <a href="">[..]e-keep-discovering-new-species-of-sharks</a> <br/><br/>Cape Cod may have the highest density of great white sharks in the world - <a href="">[..]eat-white-sharks-cape-cod-safety-beaches</a> <br/><br/>Orca vs. Great White Shark: Who Reigns Supreme? - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-59a39a12de-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Goblin Shark: The Ocean’s Eeriest, Intriguing Predator (that’s not a goblin) - <a href="">[..]-intriguing-predator-thats-not-a-goblin/</a> <br/><br/>Scared of sharks? This photographer aims to turn shark fear into fascination - <a href="">[..]aims-to-turn-shark-fear-into-fascination</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-22T03:43:55Z EquinoxSunset_Dyer_1701.jpg 2024-03-21T06:46:15Z 2024-03-21T06:46:15Z <br/><img src="/photo/cosmos/apod/EquinoxSunset_Dyer_1701.jpg" id="main_img" alt="EquinoxSunset_Dyer_1701.jpg"/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-21T06:46:15Z Ngc4438_Selby_2068.jpg 2024-03-21T06:08:30Z 2024-03-21T06:08:30Z <br/><img src="/photo/cosmos/apod/Ngc4438_Selby_2068.jpg" id="main_img" alt="Ngc4438_Selby_2068.jpg"/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-21T06:08:30Z core.txt 2024-03-21T03:19:07Z 2024-03-21T03:19:07Z <br/><br/>Defining the lithosphere: the rigid, outer layer of the Earth - <a href="">[..]d-paleontology/planet-earth/lithosphere/</a> <br/><br/>The Outer Core: The Earth’s Swirling Cauldron - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-098e873699-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Lithosphere and Asthenosphere: The Earth Beneath Your Feet - <a href="">[..]net-earth/lithosphere-and-asthenosphere/</a> <br/><br/>The inner core: Earth’s innermost secret - <a href="">[..]eontology/planet-earth/earth-inner-core/</a> <br/><br/>Silicate minerals: the building blocks of the Earth - <a href="">[..]gy/rocks-and-minerals/silicate-minerals/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-21T03:19:07Z pterosaur.txt 2024-03-21T03:16:10Z 2024-03-21T03:16:10Z <br/><br/>Stunning Scottish pterosaur is biggest fossil of its kind - <a href="">[..]-pterosaur-is-biggest-fossil-of-its-kind</a> <a href="">[..]cle/pterosaurs-weirdest-wonders-on-wings</a> <br/><br/>Pterosaurs constantly evolved into better fliers until their extinction - <a href="">[..]anatomy/pterosaur-flight-evolution-0523/</a> <br/><br/>Pterosaurs had feathers — but they weren’t used for flying - <a href="">[..]eathers-but-they-werent-used-for-flying/</a> <br/><br/>‘Flying Dinosaurs’: The Prehistoric Rulers of the Sky - <a href="">[..]paleontology/dinosaurs/flying-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>Pteranodon: “Toothless Wing” - <a href="">[..]y-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/pteranodon/</a> <br/><br/>Pterodactylus: “Winged Finger” - <a href="">[..]nd-paleontology/dinosaurs/pterodactylus/</a> <br/><br/>Quetzalcoatlus: the largest flying animal ever discovered - <a href="">[..]d-paleontology/dinosaurs/quetzalcoatlus/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-21T03:16:10Z ant.txt 2024-03-21T03:13:39Z 2024-03-21T03:13:39Z <br/>What makes ants remarkable diggers? It’s all about physics, study finds - <a href="">[..]ggers-its-all-about-physics-study-finds/</a> <br/><br/><br/>Ant - <a href="">[..]he-remarkable-self-organization-of-ants/</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]logy/fire-ants-hurricane-harvey-01092017</a> <a href="">[..]tures-to-access-food-and-avoid-drowning/</a> <br/><br/>Ants handle social isolation about as well as humans do — poorly - <a href="">[..]al-isolation-parallels-humans-646324525/</a> <br/><br/>These ant 'portraits' reveal how diverse and beautiful these insects are - <a href="">[..]e-up-photography-whole-new-world-insects</a> <br/><br/>These ants can shrink and regrow their brains - <a href="">[..]an-jumping-ants-shrink-and-regrow-brains</a> <br/><br/>Evenly spaced zinc atoms allows the ant's mandible to pack a powerful punch. - <a href="">[..]kes-ant-teeth-so-super-strong-and-sharp/</a> <br/><br/>Some worker ants can rewire their brains to become queens — and researchers are figuring out how - <a href="">[..]ence/worker-ants-queens-brains-04112021/</a> <br/><br/>How can ant and termite queens live so long? - <a href="">[..]-can-ant-and-termite-queens-live-so-long</a> <br/><br/>Ants can be better than pesticides at protecting crops from pests - <a href="">[..]gy/ants-better-than-pesticides-18082022/</a> <br/><br/>How do ants crawl on walls? This biologist explains - <a href="">[..]-crawl-on-walls-this-biologist-explains/</a> <br/><br/>See the uncommon beauty of the common ant - <a href="">[..]ncommon-beauty-of-the-common-ant-feature</a> <br/><br/>Ants with wings — a nuisance, and an intriguing type of reproduction - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>This surprising parasite can make ants live at least three times longer - <a href="">[..]e-ants-live-at-least-three-times-longer/</a> <br/><br/>Ant bites and stings: a pinch of pain and a lot of biological wonder - <a href="">[..]h-of-pain-and-a-lot-of-biological-wonder</a> <br/><br/>What Age of Empires teaches us about ant warfare strategies - <a href="">[..]animals-ecology/age-of-empires-ant-wars/</a> <br/><br/>Ants as Pharmacists: These ants treat infected wounds with antibiotics - <a href="">[..]-treat-infected-wounds-with-antibiotics/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists uncover the internal magnetic compass of ants - <a href="">[..]r-the-internal-magnetic-compass-of-ants/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-21T03:13:39Z