Look like a nice tools provide more information for performance issue - http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/examples/ Check CPU problem with prstat http://javaeesupportpatterns.blogspot.ca/2011/12/prstat-solaris-pinpoint-high-cpu-java.html http://javaeesupportpatterns.blogspot.ca/2012/02/prstat-linux-how-to-pinpoint-high-cpu.html http://javaeesupportpatterns.blogspot.ca/2011/12/prstat-aix-how-to-pinpoint-high-cpu.html http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/reverse-engineering-tools If we like to trace process detail flow, system call and file opened - http://www.ussg.iu.edu/UAU/advcomm/truss.html http://fuse4bsd.creo.hu/localcgi/man-cgi.cgi?truss+1 -l Includes the id of the responsible lightweight process (LWP) with each line of trace output. If -f is also specified, both the process-id and the LWP-id are included. If the process hang and we like to check why, can try pstack - http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=pstack&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Check where is the core dump to - http://groups.google.com/group/comp.unix.solaris/browse_thread/thread/9f46dfb277c72cc8# Use gcore to generate coredump for running process - http://www.gsp.com/cgi-bin/man.cgi?section=1&topic=gcore If we like to check the which process id using which port, we can use lsof or "pfiles /proc/*" 1) save the output of "pfiles /proc/*" to a file 2) grep the file for that port, then find the PID, e.g., say here is the part of the output:
5859:   java -Djava.awt.headless=true -DX_R_BRGD -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Djava.io.
  Current rlimit: 1024 file descriptors
   0: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:85,0 ino:980953 uid:0 gid:3 rdev:13,2

....... ( 125 FD after) ......

 125: S_IFSOCK mode:0666 dev:313,0 ino:40404 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
        sockname: AF_INET  port: 18075
        peername: AF_INET  port: 41792
Then PID 5859 is the process working with the port 18075, however, it only work for process which is viewable according to your permission setting Another probably easier way, and provide more information, is using
lsof -i :[port]
- http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2015/11/how-to-find-pid-of-process-listening-on-a-port-unix-netstat-lsof-command-examples.html If we like to check the which process id using which file, we can use fuser - http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/fuser1.html Check host and port that any process accessing using lsof - http://www.geekology.co.za/blog/2009/10/checking-which-processes-are-accessing-internet-on-unix-machine/ How do I monitor or view the thread count of a certain process - ps -o pid,comm,user,thcount -p - http://superuser.com/questions/49408/how-do-i-monitor-or-view-the-thread-count-of-a-certain-process-on-aix Examples of using strace, use -e to trace function call is useful - http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/11/strace-examples The nm commands provides information on the symbols being used in an object file or executable file. - http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/linux-nm-command/ Use pmap -s -x to look at what's in the virtual address space of yr process and what portion thereof is resident in physical memory.