Examples of stories - http://www.captaindebug.com/2013/06/so-whats-in-story.html Introduction to story point - http://blog.anandvishwanath.in/2011/03/questioning-story-points.html Imperative vs Declarative Scenarios in User Stories - http://benmabey.com/2008/05/19/imperative-vs-declarative-scenarios-in-user-stories.html Turn good story to great 1. Get your story right 2. The unwritten rule of what goes inside 3. Choose your words carefully 4. Use acronyms sparingly 5. Convention over OVER-complication - http://jcwong.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/turning-stories-from-good-to-great/ Checklist for user story - http://marjoriepries.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/a-checklist-for-effective-user-stories.html See the picture in your backlog. - http://winnipegagilist.blogspot.ca/2012/03/how-to-create-user-story-map.html INVEST mnemonic to describe the characteristics of good stories: Independent: the stories can be delivered in any order Negotiable: the details of what's in the story are co-created by the programmers and customer during development. Valuable: the functionality is seen as valuable by the customers or users of the software. Estimable: the programmers can come up with a reasonable estimate for building the story Small: stories should be built in a small amount of time, usually a matter of person-days. Certainly you should be able to build several stories within one iteration. Testable: you should be able to write tests to verify the software for this story works correctly. http://martinfowler.com/bliki/UserStory.html Story Mania, User Incognito, Disastrous Details, Story Handoff, Criteria Crisis - http://www.romanpichler.com/blog/user-stories/5-common-user-story-mistakes/ Define Motivations, Don't Define Implementation - http://alanklement.blogspot.de/2013/09/replacing-user-story-with-job-story.html Why large team is not suitable to use user story to collect requirement - http://accelerateddevelopment.blogspot.hk/2014/07/user-stories-dont-work-for-most.html How to split stories - http://gojko.net/2012/01/23/splitting-user-stories-the-hamburger-method/ Visually mapping story to backlog - https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/story-mapping-visual-way-building-product-backlog