<br/>Biggest bugs - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>看星星跳舞來找路 糞金龜比你會導航 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>earwigs - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>bed-bugs - <a href=""></a> <br/>cockroaches - <a href="">[..]ists-discover-cockroaches-good-survivors</a> <br/><br/>How the jewel beetle’s shiny shell helps it hide in plain sight - <a href="">[..]hiny-shell-helps-it-hide-in-plain-sight/</a> <br/><br/>bedbugs - <a href=""></a> <br/>Bugs aren’t just occasional nuisances, they’re crucial to the environment. Now populations of species worldwide are falling at alarming rates. - <a href="">[..]/where-have-all-the-insects-gone-feature</a> <br/><br/>This beetle’s armour can survive being run over by a car. Here’s why it’s nearly indestructible - <a href="">[..]car-heres-why-its-nearly-indestructible/</a> <br/>Hundreds of new and unusual insects discovered in the Amazon’s canopy - <a href="">[..]-discovered-in-the-amazon-canopy-feature</a> <br/><br/>Inside the Murky World of Butterfly Catchers - <a href="">[..]chers-collectors-indonesia-market-blumei</a> <br/><br/>How scientists found 'Nemo,' Australia's newest dancing spider - <a href="">[..]nd-nemo-australias-newest-dancing-spider</a> <br/><br/>喪屍螳螂會被跳水自殺 - <a href="">[..]2%AB%E8%B7%B3%E6%B0%B4%E8%87%AA%E6%AE%BA</a> <br/><br/>These moths are doing something called “Batesian mimicry”. They’ve evolved to mimic the warning signals of a harmful species (in this case, wasps or bees) in an attempt to deter predators. They look like wasps to tell their predators that they can sting, although they can’t; they don’t even have any jaws or stinger. - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>As autumn approaches here’s why we see more spiders in our houses and why wasps are desperate for sugar - <a href="">[..]s-and-why-wasps-are-desperate-for-sugar/</a> <br/><br/>Parasites are going extinct. Here’s why we need to save them. - <a href="">[..]g-extinct-heres-why-we-need-to-save-them</a> <br/><br/>Charles Henry Turner: The little-known Black high school science teacher who revolutionized the study of insect behavior in the early 20th century - <a href="">[..]sect-behavior-in-the-early-20th-century/</a> <br/><br/>Mosquitoes surprise researcher with their 'weird' sense of smell - <a href="">[..]searcher-with-their-weird-sense-of-smell</a> <br/><br/>A new study finds that high in rainforest trees, insects live in ecosystems that vary wildly from the forest floor on up. - <a href="">[..]ns-canopy-contains-a-dazzling-multiverse</a> <br/><br/>A boy’s backyard discovery two years ago uncovered an incredibly intricate insect-plant interaction - <a href="">[..]/oak-gall-ant-wasp-interaction-26246254/</a> <br/><br/>How high can insects really fly? - <a href="">[..]science/how-high-can-insects-really-fly/</a> <br/><br/>Can cockroaches fly? Well, it depends - <a href="">[..]ost/can-cockroaches-fly-well-it-depends/</a> <br/><br/>Fireflies are vanishing—but you can help protect them - <a href="">[..]e/fireflies-tips-to-protect-from-threats</a> <br/><br/>Seven new ‘walking leaf’ insect species discovered - <a href="">[..]sect-species-discovered-genetic-analysis</a> <br/><br/>The Crawling Dead: 6 creatures that are actually real-life zombies - <a href="">[..]nimal-facts/6-animals-real-life-zombies/</a> <br/><br/>Bugs aren’t attracted to lights—they’re just confused - <a href="">[..]attracted-to-lights-theyre-just-confused</a> <br/><br/>Every day is survival - <a href="">[..]/animals/article/a-real-bugs-life-photos</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>2024-07-06T23:07:10Zant.txt2024-07-06T11:56:04Z2024-07-06T11:56:04Z<br/>What makes ants remarkable diggers? It’s all about physics, study finds - <a href="">[..]ggers-its-all-about-physics-study-finds/</a> <br/><br/><br/>Ant - <a href="">[..]he-remarkable-self-organization-of-ants/</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]logy/fire-ants-hurricane-harvey-01092017</a> <a href="">[..]tures-to-access-food-and-avoid-drowning/</a> <br/><br/>Ants handle social isolation about as well as humans do — poorly - <a href="">[..]al-isolation-parallels-humans-646324525/</a> <br/><br/>These ant 'portraits' reveal how diverse and beautiful these insects are - <a href="">[..]e-up-photography-whole-new-world-insects</a> <br/><br/>These ants can shrink and regrow their brains - <a href="">[..]an-jumping-ants-shrink-and-regrow-brains</a> <br/><br/>Evenly spaced zinc atoms allows the ant's mandible to pack a powerful punch. - <a href="">[..]kes-ant-teeth-so-super-strong-and-sharp/</a> <br/><br/>Some worker ants can rewire their brains to become queens — and researchers are figuring out how - <a href="">[..]ence/worker-ants-queens-brains-04112021/</a> <br/><br/>How can ant and termite queens live so long? - <a href="">[..]-can-ant-and-termite-queens-live-so-long</a> <br/><br/>Ants can be better than pesticides at protecting crops from pests - <a href="">[..]gy/ants-better-than-pesticides-18082022/</a> <br/><br/>How do ants crawl on walls? This biologist explains - <a href="">[..]-crawl-on-walls-this-biologist-explains/</a> <br/><br/>See the uncommon beauty of the common ant - <a href="">[..]ncommon-beauty-of-the-common-ant-feature</a> <br/><br/>Ants with wings — a nuisance, and an intriguing type of reproduction - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>This surprising parasite can make ants live at least three times longer - <a href="">[..]e-ants-live-at-least-three-times-longer/</a> <br/><br/>Ant bites and stings: a pinch of pain and a lot of biological wonder - <a href="">[..]h-of-pain-and-a-lot-of-biological-wonder</a> <br/><br/>What Age of Empires teaches us about ant warfare strategies - <a href="">[..]animals-ecology/age-of-empires-ant-wars/</a> <br/><br/>Ants as Pharmacists: These ants treat infected wounds with antibiotics - <a href="">[..]-treat-infected-wounds-with-antibiotics/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists uncover the internal magnetic compass of ants - <a href="">[..]r-the-internal-magnetic-compass-of-ants/</a> <br/><br/>Florida Carpenter Ants Perform Life-Saving Amputations on Injured Nest Mates - <a href="">[..]ws-science/ants-amputate-infected-limbs/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>2024-07-06T11:56:04Zbee.txt2024-02-27T13:04:05Z2024-02-27T13:04:05Z<br/>Honey bees use tool made of poop to repel giant hornet attacks - <a href="">[..]/honey-bees-feces-hornet-attacks-094532/</a> <br/><br/>The rediscovery of Wallace’s giant bee uncovers disheartening truths about the tenuous fate of hidden insect species. - <a href="">[..]5/the-parable-of-the-worlds-largest-bee/</a> <br/><br/>From Buzzing to Dozing: How Bees Sleep and Rest - <a href="">[..]er/feature-post/how-bees-sleep-24062022/</a> <br/><br/>Bee - <a href="">[..]logy/incredible-pollinating-animals-bees</a> <a href="">[..]ence/bees-grasp-numerical-symbols-04234/</a> <br/><br/>Photos from inside a tree reveal intimate lives of wild honeybees - <a href="">[..]ees-intimate-lives-inside-a-tree-feature</a> <br/><br/>Advanced technologies like A.I. are enabling scientists to learn that the world is full of intelligent creatures with sophisticated languages, like honeybees. What might they tell us? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>These bumblebees like playing and it’s the sweetest thing - <a href="">[..]like-playing-and-its-the-sweetest-thing/</a> <br/><br/><br/>Bees can count, and they do so left to right — just like most of us - <a href="">[..]o-so-left-to-right-just-like-most-of-us/</a> <br/><br/>蜜蜂也懂平衡工作和玩樂?研究:無食物誘因下,蜜蜂會為了娛樂玩球 - <a href="">[..]0300-bees-play-with-wooden-balls-for-fun</a> <br/><br/>Buzzworthy: bees’ minds show remarkable depth and richness - <a href="">[..]inds-show-remarkable-depth-and-richness/</a> <br/><br/>The beautiful flowers that bees can't use - <a href="">[..]the-beautiful-flowers-that-bees-cant-use</a> <br/><br/>Bumblebee culture? They show remarkable learning through social cues - <a href="">[..]remarkable-learning-through-social-cues/</a> <br/><br/>Bumblebees’ remarkable sense of smell guides them safely home - <a href="">[..]-sense-of-smell-guides-them-safely-home/</a> <br/><br/>Paleontologists Discover Mummified Bees Preserved in Their Cocoons for 3,000 Years - <a href="">[..]-their-cocoons-for-3000-years-180982824/</a> <br/><br/>How bumblebees beat honeybees at the pollination game and other buzzing facts - <a href="">[..]vertebrates/bumblebee-pollination-sting/</a> <br/><br/>How on Earth did this small bee get on an island in French Polynesia? - <a href="">[..]ee-get-on-an-island-in-french-polynesia/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>2024-02-27T13:04:05Zbutterfly.txt2024-01-06T12:13:32Z2024-01-06T12:13:32Z<br/><br/>Butterflies - <a href="">[..]</a> <br/><br/>western monarch butterfly - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Inside the Murky World of Butterfly Catchers - <a href="">[..]chers-collectors-indonesia-market-blumei</a> <br/><br/>Bufferfly act snake - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How caterpillars gruesomely transform into butterflies - <a href="">[..]/how-caterpillar-turn-butterfly-0534534/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists identify where butterflies originated and which plants they relied on - <a href="">[..]ginated-and-which-plants-they-relied-on/</a> <br/><br/>Monarch butterfly white spots could be the secret to their continent-traversing superpower - <a href="">[..]s-ecology/monarch-butterfly-white-spots/</a> <br/><br/>The iconic North American butterfly's annual migration patterns are under threat from habitat loss and extreme weather, causing its devoted fans to research solutions and push for protection from the Endangered Species Act. - <a href="">[..]e/monarch-butterfly-migration-endangered</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>2024-01-06T12:13:32Z