Inversion of Control.txt 2010-01-20T17:46:26Z 2010-01-20T17:46:26Z <br/>When these containers talk about how they are so useful because they implement "Inversion of Control" I end up very puzzled. Inversion of control is a common characteristic of frameworks, so saying that these lightweight containers are special because they use inversion of control is like saying my car is special because it has wheels.<br/><br/><a href="">[..]ticles/injection.html#InversionOfControl</a> <br/><br/>This guy think IoC is going to use is more and more place as GC. However, I will think quit a lot of time IoC is use incorrectly, somebody even try to use it everywhere and replacing constructor... - <a href="">[..]endency-injection-mirror-of-garbage.html</a> <br/><br/>IMHO jetty is the first widely used program about IoC idea, even before spring - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Explain when IoC is overkill - <a href="">[..]010/01/17/dependency-injection-inversion</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2010-01-20T17:46:26Z spring discussion.txt 2007-07-12T11:35:52Z 2007-07-12T11:35:52Z <br/>Discuss the problem of using springs framework, it mainly complaint about the complication of spring, I will think people know what they are using, if it is too complex, just pick other<br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Another discussion complaint about spring - <a href="">[..]_id=46041&asrc=EM_NLN_1757981&uid=703565</a> <br/><br/>Some counter opinions to those complaints - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2007-07-12T11:35:52Z