After default install of oracle at win32, here is the step of creating user: 1) sqlplus /noloh (enter sqlplus shell without login) 2) connect oracle/oracle as sysdba (super user connection) 3) CREATE USER CITY IDENTIFIED BY city DEFAULT TABLESPACE "USERS" TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "TEMP" PROFILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK; 4) GRANT "CONNECT" TO CITY; 5) GRANT "RESOURCE" TO CITY; grant dba to CITY; -- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant create view to CITY; grant unlimited tablespace to CITY; imp CITY/city full=y file=c:\xxxxx.dmp 6) sqlplus city (try login) About create table space create tablespace TBL01 datafile 'H:\oracle\oradata\ora9\TBL01.dbf' size 50M extent management local segment space management auto; Other useful views 1) sys.dba_tablespaces; 2) sys.dba_users 3) v$database 4) dba_data_files 5) v$datafile Start and stop oracle batch net start OracleCSService net start OracleDBConsole[db name] net start OracleOraDb10g_home1iSQL*Plus net start OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener net start OracleService[db name] net stop OracleCSService net stop OracleDBConsole[db name] net stop OracleOraDb10g_home1iSQL*Plus net stop OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener net stop OracleService[db name] An useful link: How to install oracle in Redhat 9 - Check store procedure issues: select * from user_errors If there is join like a.column1 = b.column2, and column1 in DATE datatype while column2 is VARCHAR2 datatype, oracle will auto-cast it in JDeveloper, but always return false if I call that stored procedure using JDBC. Show plsql function detail implementation: select text from user_source where name = MY_PROCEDURE order by line; - It is possible to get NullPointerException from oracle driver with IBM JDK... it look like IBM issue - plsql result caching - Oracle date foramt -