transaction.txt 2024-03-17T13:03:38Z 2024-03-17T13:03:38Z <br/>Transaction, same as all the concept in computing, is an approach and trade-off - <a href="">[..]</a> <br/><br/>Transaction file system - <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Explanation about database isolation level - <a href="">[..]-and-their-effects-on-performance-a.html</a> <a href="">[..]08-01-practical-guide-sql-isolation.html</a> <br/><br/>A nice article explain about transaction process - <a href="">[..]Nuts-and-Bolts-of-Transaction-Processing</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]guide-to-acid-and-database-transactions/</a> <br/><br/>SQL Transactions and ACID Properties - <a href="">[..]actions-and-acid-properties-bb5b670538f8</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-03-17T13:03:38Z Transactionless system.txt 2007-03-30T11:22:20Z 2007-03-30T11:22:20Z <br/>Improve scalability via turn off transaction... do you think it will work?<br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>I think this Idempotency help a lot if we like to implement system in this way: <a href=""></a> or example is soft update <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Follow up discussion - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Already get two comments from friends, there is the key points:<br/><br/>=== Rob <br/>Not if everything works as intended. But if something goes wrong you might get an unexpected state in the database. Then you have to do more work in other places to deal with the fact that the database might be in a state that wasn't intended, but is theoretically possible because you didn't use transactions.<br/>=== Rex<br/>Rex: exactly the thing what i did in last year to boost up performance from 700 txn per second to more than 10K txn per second.<br/>Carfield Yim: handle rollback yourself you mean?<br/>Rex: <br/>u've to understand what is a system before talking the details...<br/>different application can apply different rollback.<br/>online/batch different are different.<br/><br/>Rule 1. make your txn simple.<br/>if it can't be simple, your design must have problem<br/><br/>u have to understand your capacity & limitation..... such article is meaningless if you have no actual requirement...<br/>if client is requiring 500 txn, that's no pt to have it like that.<br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2007-03-30T11:22:20Z