A presentation about Politics issues of using ORM persistence - http://www.softwaresummit.com/2005/speakers/SmithDonaldPoliticsOfPersistence.pdf A checklist of features of ORM library, which, I think, may be too detail to consider that much? http://madgeek.com/Articles/ORMapping/EN/mapping.htm Some problem of ORM nowadays - http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/windows/alex/archives/the-ubiquitous-bastardization-of-orm-17100 This post rise a good point, if the ORM tool doesn't provide a simpler solution, why bother to use it? Just because many people using it? http://en.newinstance.it/2006/10/23/trimming-jdbc/ We have been using hibernate for while, actually it is good. But LGPL block us from using it anymore... Here is some other experience about this - http://shinetech.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=649 and the discussion of this article - http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=41174#212825 Some interestig ORM packages without XML http://www.jenkov.com/mrpersister/introduction.tmpl http://www.simpleorm.org/sorm/whitepaper.html http://www.h2database.com/html/jaqu.html And there is one try to use javadoc doclet approach to make all those SQL documented at javadoc also, look like an interesting idea - http://voruta.sourceforge.net/ Advantage of using ORM, but are those really so important? http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2006/05/12/25ReasonsNotToWriteYourOwnObjectRelationalMapper.aspx Good source about various pattern and test on ORM - http://blog.xebia.com/category/jpa/implementation-patterns/ Analysis on ORM package - http://seldo.com/weblog/2011/06/15/orm_is_an_antipattern