log down some useful resource<BR/><br/> dinosaur.txt 2024-12-30T20:42:44Z 2024-12-30T20:42:44Z <br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The Strange Allosaurus: The Carnivorous Colossus of the Jurassic - <a href="">[..]y-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/allosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>The Fearsome Megalosaurus: A Glimpse into the Jurassic World - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/megalosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>dinosaurs - <a href="">[..]u-might-need-to-stop-believing/?view=all</a> <a href="">[..]acts-you-might-not-know-about-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>一頭挑食的結節龍 最後的晚餐吃什麼? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Inside the homes (and minds) of fossil collectors - <a href="">[..]19/09/dinosaur-fossils-collector-feature</a> <br/><br/>The strange search for dinosaur genitals - <a href="">[..]the-strange-search-for-dinosaur-genitals</a> <br/><br/>The iconic Stegosaurus: from its trademark plates to the spiky tail - <a href="">[..]-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/stegosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>The mighty triceratops: A tale of three horns - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-59a39a12de-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Velociraptor: clawing through the myths of an iconic dinosaur - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/velociraptor/</a> <br/><br/>How dinosaurs are named: there’s a method to it - <a href="">[..]ology/dinosaurs/how-dinosaurs-are-named/</a> <br/><br/>A Musical Dinosaur? The Mysterious Parasaurolophus - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/dinosaurs/parasaurolophus/</a> <br/><br/>Before dinosaurs: the ferocious ‘terrible-headed’ predator that ruled South America - <a href="">[..]/news-science/pampaphoneus-south-america</a> <br/><br/>Hadrosaurus: The Duck-Billed Dinosaur That Made History - <a href="">[..]-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/hadrosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>10 Triassic Dinosaurs You Should Know - <a href="">[..]leontology/dinosaurs/triassic-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>10 Jurassic Dinosaurs You Should Know - <a href="">[..]leontology/dinosaurs/jurassic-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>The 10 Largest Dinosaurs to Ever Walk the Earth - <a href="">[..]ontology/dinosaurs/10-largest-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>The 10 Smallest Dinosaurs to Ever Walk the Earth - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Argentinosaurus: “Argentina Lizard” - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/dinosaurs/argentinosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Iguanodon: “Iguana Tooth” - <a href="">[..]gy-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/iguanodon/</a> <br/><br/>Ankylosaurus: “Fused Lizard” - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/ankylosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Carcharodontosaurus: “Shark-toothed Lizard” - <a href="">[..]eontology/dinosaurs/carcharodontosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Tarbosaurus: “Alarming Lizard” - <a href="">[..]-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/tarbosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Newly found 120-million-year-old crocodile ancestor was built like a tank - <a href="">[..]s-science/crocodile-ancestor-garzapelta/</a> <br/><br/>Therizinosaurus: “Scythe Lizard” - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/dinosaurs/therizinosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Styracosaurus: “Spiked Lizard” - <a href="">[..]nd-paleontology/dinosaurs/styracosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Deinocheirus: “Terrible Hand” - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/deinocheirus/</a> <br/><br/>Kentrosaurus: “Sharp Lizard” - <a href="">[..]and-paleontology/dinosaurs/kentrosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Archaeopteryx: the winged link between dinosaurs and birds - <a href="">[..]nd-paleontology/dinosaurs/archaeopteryx/</a> <br/><br/>10 Mind-Blowing Triceratops Facts - <a href="">[..]aleontology/dinosaurs/triceratops-facts/</a> <br/><br/>Gallimimus: the chicken-mimicking dinosaur - <a href="">[..]dinosaurs/gallimimus-the-chicken-mimick/</a> <br/><br/>Meet the 16 Strangest Dinosaurs You’ve Never Heard Of - <a href="">[..]eontology/dinosaurs/strangest-dinosaurs/</a> <br/><br/>Why The Tiny Arms, T. rex? - <a href="">[..]-al/why-the-tiny-arms-t-rex-ae106df8efb4</a> <br/><br/>Utahraptor: the dinosaur with a killer claw - <a href="">[..]y-and-paleontology/dinosaurs/utahraptor/</a> <br/><br/>The 12 Smartest Dinosaurs: The Top Brainy Beasts of the Mesozoic - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Edmontosaurus: The Fascinating Life of a Late Cretaceous Giant - <a href="">[..]nd-paleontology/dinosaurs/edmontosaurus/</a> <br/><br/>Meet Lokiceratops: The Dinosaur with the Wildest Horns Ever Discovered, Named After the Trickster Norse God - <a href="">[..]science/lokiceratops-norse-god-dinosaur/</a> <br/><br/>The 12 Smartest Dinosaurs: The Top Brainy Beasts of the Mesozoic - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-30T20:42:44Z city.txt 2024-12-30T20:42:13Z 2024-12-30T20:42:13Z <br/>Not ‘if’, but ‘when’: city planners need to design for flooding. These examples show the way - <a href="">[..]or-flooding-these-examples-show-the-way/</a> <br/><br/>Rumble in the concrete jungle: what history teaches us about urban defense - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Garbology: How to spot patterns in people's waste - <a href="">[..]gy-how-to-spot-patterns-in-peoples-waste</a> <br/><br/>The decline of the city grid - <a href="">[..]/2022/12/20/the-decline-of-the-city-grid</a> <br/><br/>What does a structural engineer do, according to experts - <a href="">[..]e-post/what-does-structural-engineer-do/</a> <br/><br/>Plumbing discovery reveals the rise and fall of the Roman Empire - <a href="">[..]s-the-rise-and-fall-of-the-roman-empire/</a> <br/><br/>This Texas building has self-cooling walls - <a href="">[..]mselves-cold-so-you-dont-need-as-much-ac</a> <br/><br/>The Mayans mastered water management. What can we learn from them? - <a href="">[..]-we-learn-an-important-lesson-from-them/</a> <br/><br/>How Toronto transformed a highway underpass into a vibrant public space - <a href="">[..]ay-underpass-into-a-vibrant-public-space</a> <br/><br/>9 lesser known architectural wonders we lost to time - <a href="">[..]n-architectural-wonders-we-lost-to-time/</a> <br/><br/>Rechargeable concrete batteries could make buildings double as energy storage - <a href="">[..]science/rechargeable-concrete-batteries/</a> <br/><br/>How a lizard tail inspired a new building system that sheds parts to escape catastrophic collapse - <a href="">[..]s-parts-to-escape-catastrophic-collapse/</a> <br/><br/>How do you build tunnels and bridges underwater? A geotechnical engineer explains - <a href="">[..]gineer-explains-the-construction-tricks/</a> <br/><br/>Cities that converted empty office buildings into housing face these important questions - <a href="">[..]mpty-offices-housing-important-questions</a> <br/><br/>What the Middle East can tell us about surviving in a hotter, drier future - <a href="">[..]ll-us-about-surviving-in-a-hotter-future</a> <br/><br/>Not too hot, not too cold. What’s the ideal room temperature? - <a href="">[..]o-cold-whats-the-ideal-room-temperature/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-30T20:42:13Z ant.txt 2024-12-30T20:41:34Z 2024-12-30T20:41:34Z <br/>What makes ants remarkable diggers? It’s all about physics, study finds - <a href="">[..]ggers-its-all-about-physics-study-finds/</a> <br/><br/><br/>Ant - <a href="">[..]he-remarkable-self-organization-of-ants/</a> <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]logy/fire-ants-hurricane-harvey-01092017</a> <a href="">[..]tures-to-access-food-and-avoid-drowning/</a> <br/><br/>Ants handle social isolation about as well as humans do — poorly - <a href="">[..]al-isolation-parallels-humans-646324525/</a> <br/><br/>These ant 'portraits' reveal how diverse and beautiful these insects are - <a href="">[..]e-up-photography-whole-new-world-insects</a> <br/><br/>These ants can shrink and regrow their brains - <a href="">[..]an-jumping-ants-shrink-and-regrow-brains</a> <br/><br/>Evenly spaced zinc atoms allows the ant's mandible to pack a powerful punch. - <a href="">[..]kes-ant-teeth-so-super-strong-and-sharp/</a> <br/><br/>Some worker ants can rewire their brains to become queens — and researchers are figuring out how - <a href="">[..]ence/worker-ants-queens-brains-04112021/</a> <br/><br/>How can ant and termite queens live so long? - <a href="">[..]-can-ant-and-termite-queens-live-so-long</a> <br/><br/>Ants can be better than pesticides at protecting crops from pests - <a href="">[..]gy/ants-better-than-pesticides-18082022/</a> <br/><br/>How do ants crawl on walls? This biologist explains - <a href="">[..]-crawl-on-walls-this-biologist-explains/</a> <br/><br/>See the uncommon beauty of the common ant - <a href="">[..]ncommon-beauty-of-the-common-ant-feature</a> <br/><br/>Ants with wings — a nuisance, and an intriguing type of reproduction - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>This surprising parasite can make ants live at least three times longer - <a href="">[..]e-ants-live-at-least-three-times-longer/</a> <br/><br/>Ant bites and stings: a pinch of pain and a lot of biological wonder - <a href="">[..]h-of-pain-and-a-lot-of-biological-wonder</a> <br/><br/>What Age of Empires teaches us about ant warfare strategies - <a href="">[..]animals-ecology/age-of-empires-ant-wars/</a> <br/><br/>Ants as Pharmacists: These ants treat infected wounds with antibiotics - <a href="">[..]-treat-infected-wounds-with-antibiotics/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists uncover the internal magnetic compass of ants - <a href="">[..]r-the-internal-magnetic-compass-of-ants/</a> <br/><br/>Florida Carpenter Ants Perform Life-Saving Amputations on Injured Nest Mates - <a href="">[..]ws-science/ants-amputate-infected-limbs/</a> <br/><br/>These “Ants” Use Ultrablack to Warn Predators — and Stay Cool - <a href="">[..]rablack-to-warn-predators-and-stay-cool/</a> <br/><br/>Ants outperform humans at group puzzle-solving activity - <a href="">[..]humans-at-group-puzzle-solving-activity/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-30T20:41:34Z plant.txt 2024-12-28T22:27:39Z 2024-12-28T22:27:39Z <br/><br/>【Gene 愛聊科學】食蟲植物讓獵物滑進瓶口的密技,成為對抗貽貝附著的無毒塗料:SLIPS - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>plants - <a href="">[..]ique-plants-you-have-ever-seen/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>dangerous-plants - <a href="">[..]us-plants-that-could-seriously-hurt-you/</a> <br/><br/>Amber - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Rock - <a href="">[..]her/feature-post/rock-cycle-geoloby-abc/</a> <br/><br/>What is the Wilson Cycle, builder and slayer of supercontinents? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>clouds - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What is THC: the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>different-types-plants-world - <a href="">[..]nce/biology/different-types-plants-world</a> <br/><br/>Sugar - <a href="">[..]her/feature-post/sugar-history-00432432/</a> <br/><br/>淺談水龍捲 - <a href="">[..]%BA%E8%AB%87%E6%B0%B4%E9%BE%8D%E6%8D%B2/</a> <br/><br/>The science behind why leaves change color in autumn - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>螞蟻與植物竟然共同演化,原來為了… - <a href="">[..]96-%E5%8E%9F%E4%BE%86%E7%82%BA%E4%BA%86/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]e/gingko-biloba-immortal-lifespan-05264/</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>受盡威脅,也要幫這些台灣植物活下去:走訪福山植物園 - <a href="">[..]00605-culture-botanical-garden-taiwan-1/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]her/feature-post/why-is-the-ocean-salty/</a> <br/><br/>The rare plants that ‘bleed’ nickel - <a href="">[..]ia-the-plants-that-mine-poisonous-metals</a> <br/><br/>Deepest Dive Ever Under Antarctica Reveals a Shockingly Vibrant World - <a href="">[..]-frozen-beauty-exotic-creatures-penguins</a> <br/><br/>As the Antarctic Peninsula heats up, the rules of life there are being ripped apart. Alarmed scientists aren’t sure what all the change means for the future. - <a href="">[..]ula-ice-melt-krill-penguin-leopard-seal/</a> <br/><br/>why-leaves-fall-down-and-why-it-happens-during-autumn - <a href="">[..]l-down-and-why-it-happens-during-autumn/</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What is gympie-gympie: the poisonous plant whose painful sting can last for years and drive people to suicide - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>許多植物已被細菌“天然轉基因” - <a href="">[..]ts-have-been-naturally-gmod-by-bacteria/</a> <br/><br/>Here are the world’s most favorite fruits — judging by production figures, at least - <a href="">[..]ence/worlds-most-produced-fruit-feature/</a> <br/><br/>How the cauliflower got its mesmerizing fractals - <a href="">[..]auliflower-got-its-mesmerizing-fractals/</a> <br/><br/>This natural chemical could keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer - <a href="">[..]mistry/natural-chemical-fruits-25112021/</a> <br/><br/>The hidden beauty of the plants that feed the world - <a href="">[..]hat-feed-the-world-see-microscope-images</a> <br/><br/>The desert’s ‘skin’ is disappearing—tiny lab-grown plants could save it - <a href="">[..]sert-ecosystem-can-now-be-saved-in-a-lab</a> <br/><br/>As wildfires increase in Himalayan pine forests, can restoring oaks help? - <a href="">[..]s-to-himalayas-curb-climate-driven-fires</a> <br/><br/>What a huge lily pad can teach us about building design - <a href="">[..]y-pad-can-teach-us-about-building-design</a> <br/><br/>British botanist is first westerner to see Rafflesia banaoana, one of the rarest and largest ‘monster flowers’ in the world - <a href="">[..]nd-largest-monster-flowers-in-the-world/</a> <br/><br/>Why you should embrace stinging nettles - <a href="">[..]-why-you-should-embrace-stinging-nettles</a> <br/><br/>Pando, a huge aspen grove in Utah, is a single organism that’s lived for millennia. Unchecked grazing is destroying it. - <a href="">[..]thing-on-earth-is-being-nibbled-to-death</a> <br/><br/>They are a variety known as Luyuan 502 and are China's second most widely grown type of wheat. The plants were bred from seeds that were flown into orbit 200 miles (340km) above the Earth's surface. Here, in the unique low gravity environment and outside the protective magnetic shield of our planet, they picked up subtle changes to DNA that gave them new qualities that made them more tolerant to drought and able to better resist certain diseases. - <a href="">[..]how-china-is-creating-new-foods-in-space</a> <br/><br/>Are strawberries berries? Uhm, not really. But bananas are berries, and it gets weirder - <a href="">[..]bananas-are-berries-and-it-gets-weirder/</a> <br/><br/>The different types of plants in the world - <a href="">[..]ce/biology/different-types-plants-world/</a> <br/><br/>Carrots were originally purple - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The fastest growing plant in the world - <a href="">[..]/science/fastest-growing-plant-02022021/</a> <br/><br/>GlobalSeedVault - <a href="">[..]uk/GlobalSeedVault/index.html#popup_7737</a> <br/><br/>7 potted plants that will remove indoor air pollution from your home, proven by science - <a href="">[..]nce/potted-plants-air-quality-home-0423/</a> <br/><br/>Titan Arum: the titan penis flower - <a href="">[..]ology/titan-arum-the-titan-penis-flower/</a> <br/><br/>Titan penis flower blooms in one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world - <a href="">[..]e-oldest-botanical-gardens-in-the-world/</a> <br/><br/>Leaf galls: How hijacking plant’s hormones can get them to produce weird things - <a href="">[..]ology-reference/plants-fungi/leaf-galls/</a> <br/><br/>Why poison ivy is an unlikely climate change winner - <a href="">[..]-getting-more-toxic-plant-blindness-cure</a> <br/><br/>Plants ‘scream’ under stress. Here is how you can hear them - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-0ab16b8714-242734313</a> <br/><br/>This is what plants look like—from the inside out - <a href="">[..]ic-trees-photomicrography-robert-bernard</a> <br/><br/>Carbon fixation explained: the hidden hero of photosynthesis - <a href="">[..]ce/plants-fungi/what-is-carbon-fixation/</a> <br/><br/>Inside the high-tech farm in New Jersey where Instagram’s favorite strawberries grow, Oishii’s luxury strawberries can cost upwards of $15 a package. A new robotic indoor farm could make them more accessible. - <a href="">[..]re-instagrams-favorite-strawberries-grow</a> <br/><br/>Urban Streetlights Make Tree Leaves a Tougher To Chew for Insects - <a href="">[..]ee-leaves-a-tougher-to-chew-for-insects/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists Revive 1,000-Year-Old Seed, Potentially Resurrecting Mysterious Biblical Tree - <a href="">[..]ce/scientists-revive-1000-year-old-seed/</a> <br/><br/>What Did Oranges Used To Look Like? (They Weren’t Always Orange) - <a href="">[..]-to-look-like-they-werent-always-orange/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-28T22:27:39Z sound.txt 2024-12-28T01:24:47Z 2024-12-28T01:24:47Z <br/>Sound - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What, really, is the speed of sound? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The loudest sound in mankind’s history - <a href="">[..]-loudest-sound-ever-in-mankinds-history/</a> <br/><br/>25 Mind-Blowing Facts About Time - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Scientists found a way to make sound travel in only one direction - <a href="">[..]make-sound-travel-in-only-one-direction/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-28T01:24:47Z habit.txt 2024-12-27T11:31:06Z 2024-12-27T11:31:06Z <br/>How habit affecting you - <a href="">[..]2012/02/poor-study-habit-and-remedy.html</a> <br/><br/>How to change habit - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How to quit bad habit - <a href="">[..]028&elq=2220804c77864d95acba08b4a6f21c23</a> <br/><br/>好奇心,细节 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The most interesting things I've learnt about learning - <a href="">[..]-most-interesting-things-ive-learnt.html</a> <br/><br/>The most interesting things I've learned about improvement - <a href="">[..]t-interesting-things-ive-learned_14.html</a> <br/><br/>* Increase your exposure to new and different ideas<br/>* Spend as much time learning from your trading as you actually spend trading<br/>* Manage yourself, not just your risk and your positions<br/><br/><a href="">[..]hree-best-practices-of-best-traders.html</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]/energy-well-being-and-success-four.html</a> <br/><br/>直覺的奧妙 — Blink - <a href="">[..]%A6%BA%E7%9A%84%E5%A5%A7%E5%A6%99-blink/</a> <br/><br/>1)  How does the person spend his or her free time?  Per Ayn Rand's observation above, what does he or she do for enjoyment?  <br/><br/>2)  How does the person respond to your successes?  Many people are willing to commiserate with you when you're down and elevate themselves in the process.  A person of genuine goodwill celebrates your successes and is happy for your happiness.<br/><br/>3)  What strong beliefs does the person voice and live through their actions?  Character means standing for what you believe in and living your beliefs.  Go along and get along might be comfortable, but commitment is what powers effective action in the world.<br/><br/><a href="">[..]hree-powerful-measures-of-character.html</a> <br/><br/>Ask as a habit - <a href="">[..]%83%E9%80%99%E5%80%8B%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C/</a> <br/><br/>practice consistently, stay warm - <a href="">[..]brain/halo-starcraft-practice-excellence</a> <br/><br/>Wake up early - <a href="">[..]e-guide-for-waking-up-early-a750c011eb07</a> <br/><br/>This will work, I believe, but really not easy - <a href="">[..]e-your-life-in-just-a-month-eed6c90ee6c4</a> <br/><br/>3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking:<br/> Question assumptions<br/> Reason through logic<br/> Diversify thought<br/>- <a href="">[..]habits-to-improve-your-critical-thinking</a> <br/><br/> A cue that triggers your brain to behave automatically<br/> A routine that consists of some kind of action<br/> A reward that reinforces the loop by giving you a good feeling <br/><a href="">[..]ur-productivity-and-how-to-take-it-back/</a> <br/><br/>Their assessment blew Psycho-Cybernetics out of the water, showing that the time it took to form a new habit ranged from 18 to 254 days. - <a href="">[..]post/how-long-it-takes-to-break-a-habit/</a> <br/><br/>How to Create a Habit System and Stay Motivated as a Developer - <a href="">[..]ystem-and-stay-motivated-as-a-developer/</a> <br/><br/>Why ‘daily-ish’ habits can be better than everyday routines - <a href="">[..]its-can-be-better-than-everyday-routines</a> <br/><br/>14 habits that make you more focused than 98% of people - <a href="">[..]e-focused-than-98-of-people-1fd9e40093ff</a> <br/><br/>6 inspiring morning habits of highly successful people - <a href="">[..]rning-habits-of-highly-successful-people</a> <br/><br/>Rebecca Solnit: Slow Change Can Be Radical Change - <a href="">[..]olnit-slow-change-can-be-radical-change/</a> <br/><br/>The results were striking. Mice that had any form of passive exposure to the sounds learned to categorize them more quickly than those that relied solely on active training. This was true whether the passive exposure was interleaved with active training or occurred entirely before the active training began. - <a href="">[..]could-help-you-learn-a-new-skill-faster/</a> <br/><br/>How I Make Learning New Things Feel Easy and Avoid Burnout - <a href="">[..]feel-easy-and-avoid-burnout-391892b13f93</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-27T11:31:06Z plate.txt 2024-12-27T11:12:15Z 2024-12-27T11:12:15Z <br/>Plate tectonics: We figured out how to build an atomic bomb before we realized how mountains form - <a href="">[..]b-before-we-realized-how-mountains-form/</a> <br/><br/>Divergent boundaries: the tectonic forces that split the earth - <a href="">[..]h-dynamics/what-are-divergent-boundarie/</a> <br/><br/>What is the Ring of Fire? Earth’s most volcanically active region - <a href="">[..]y/planet-earth/what-is-the-ring-of-fire/</a> <br/><br/>Convergent boundaries: the tectonic forces that shape the Earth - <a href="">[..]gy/earth-dynamics/convergent-boundaries/</a> <br/><br/>These Revolutionary Maps Are Revealing Earth’s Geological Secrets = <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-27T11:12:15Z heart.txt 2024-12-13T12:45:36Z 2024-12-13T12:45:36Z <br/>The human heart is unique. Here’s what it tells us about our evolution - <a href="">[..]es-what-it-tells-us-about-our-evolution/</a> <br/><br/>History of heart surgery - <a href="">[..]ons-learned-to-operate-on-beating-hearts</a> <br/><br/>The heart may have its own “mini-brain”: a nervous system that controls heartbeat - <a href="">[..]t-mini-brain-discovery-zebrafish-models/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-13T12:45:36Z nature.txt 2024-12-13T08:28:05Z 2024-12-13T08:28:05Z <br/>蓋亞假說:美麗的神話 - <a href="">[..]%8E%E9%BA%97%E7%9A%84%E7%A5%9E%E8%A9%B1/</a> <br/><br/>色彩斑斕的動物 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>地球上仍存活的最古老生物 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>rare-flowers-that-are-stunning-to-look-at - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>earth-facts-that-might-surprise-you - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>north-pole-facts-most-people-are-not-aware-of - <a href="">[..]s-most-people-are-not-aware-of/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>earth-facts-you-probably-have-not-considered - <a href="">[..]u-probably-have-not-considered/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>25 Interesting Tidbits About Deserts That Will Make You Glad For Rain - <a href="">[..]at-will-make-you-glad-for-rain/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Antarctica is one of the coldest, most desolate places in the world, and today you're going to learn all about it. - <a href="">[..]interesting-facts-that-you-probably.html</a> <br/><br/>Types of mountains - <a href="">[..]st/main-types-mountains-earths-ups-downs</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]ology/animals-ecology/animal-speed-limit</a> <br/><br/>Earth - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>sinkholes - <a href="">[..]other/science-abc/science-abc-sinkholes/</a> <br/><br/>ecosystems - <a href="">[..]what-they-are-and-why-they-are-important</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What is soil? Here’s the inside scoop - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What causes an Ice Age? A simple explainer - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]water-dont-underestimate-the-connection/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]108-why-the-world-is-running-out-of-sand</a> <br/><br/>Even a little extra CO2 is triggering big changes in forests - <a href="">[..]o2-is-triggering-big-changes-in-forests/</a> <br/><br/>Christmas flakes: macro photography reveals unique snowflake design - <a href="">[..]/great-pics/christmas-snowflakes-photos/</a> <br/><br/>This is the secret behind biodiversity hotspots - <a href="">[..]ience/biodiversity-hotspot-source-35243/</a> <br/><br/>Looking back on Palmyra’s recent history, Wegmann sees it as a source of hope. Tropical islands may seem fragile, but they can turn out to be surprisingly robust. The conservation story of Palmyra should remind us of two things, he says: “One, nature is resilient. And two, we as humans can engineer ourselves out of some of the major problems that we’ve caused.” - <a href="">[..]w-tropical-islands-got-rid-of-their-rats</a> <br/><br/>Rivers can change colors as time passes, and this is linked to ecosystem health - <a href="">[..]-and-this-is-linked-to-ecosystem-health/</a> <br/><br/>Photosynthesis could be as old as life itself - <a href="">[..]thesis-old-genes-live-evolution-2374523/</a> <br/><br/>climate-tipping-points - <a href="">[..]ecology/what-are-climate-tipping-points/</a> <br/><br/>What is natural selection: the driving force of evolution - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Simple seaweed could be used to heal human wounds with bio-ink - <a href="">[..]dicine/seaweed-healing-virtues-10042021/</a> <br/><br/>They spent 28 days under the sea—and found another Earth - <a href="">[..]-the-sea-and-found-another-earth-feature</a> <br/><br/>Earth's magnetic field flips much more frequently than we thought - <a href="">[..]ld-flipped-more-times-scientists-thought</a> <br/><br/>Soils from Antarctica seem to contain no life—something that's never been found - <a href="">[..]-no-lifesomething-thats-never-been-found</a> <br/><br/>What causes earthquakes — and what you should do if hit by one - <a href="">[..]es-and-what-you-should-do-if-hit-by-one/</a> <br/><br/>The hexagon shape and why it shows up so much in nature - <a href="">[..]t/hexagon-shape-nature-physics-13092021/</a> <br/><br/>Bizarre mangrove forest far from the coast offers clues to future sea level rise - <a href="">[..]the-coast-offers-clues-to-sea-level-rise</a> <br/><br/>New clues into ancient climate shifts reveal the possible origin story of Spain's Pulpí Geode, one of the world's largest. - <a href="">[..]range-ways-climate-chemistry-pulpi-geode</a> <br/><br/>For decades, highly skilled cavers have come to Mexico to explore Cheve, a labyrinth within a mountain. - <a href="">[..]g-into-one-of-the-deepest-caves-on-earth</a> <br/><br/>To the bottom of the Earth: the Mariana Trench - <a href="">[..]-bottom-of-the-earth-the-mariana-trench/</a> <br/><br/>These beautiful landscapes hold secrets to the origins of life - <a href="">[..]apes-hold-secrets-to-the-origins-of-life</a> <br/><br/>'Impossible' chemistry may reveal origins of life on Earth - <a href="">[..]stry-may-reveal-origins-of-life-on-earth</a> <br/><br/>Storm Recipe: How Cyclones, Typhoons and Hurricanes Are Formed - <a href="">[..]ones-typhoons-and-hurricanes-are-formed/</a> <br/><br/>How geological periods got their names - <a href="">[..]/how-geological-periods-got-their-names/</a> <br/><br/>Exploring Baikal: The world’s deepest and oldest lake - <a href="">[..]aikal-the-worlds-deepest-and-oldest-lake</a> <br/><br/>What is Sahara dust and why does it matters so much for the Earth - <a href="">[..]ature-post/what-is-sahara-dust-11102022/</a> <br/><br/>The 'super-deep' royal diamonds revealing Earth's secrets - <a href="">[..]-royal-diamonds-revealing-earths-secrets</a> <br/><br/>The San Andreas fault — what it is, why it matters, and what you should know about its earthquakes - <a href="">[..]t-you-should-know-about-its-earthquakes/</a> <br/><br/>How It Feels to Surf the World’s Biggest Wave - <a href="">[..]s-to-surf-the-worlds-biggest-wave-245476</a> <br/><br/>What’s the tallest mountain in the world? Hint: it’s not Mt. Everest - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-47ae773c7c-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Lava is very hot. But exactly how hot? The answer isn't straightforward. - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What are the different climate zones? A simple explainer - <a href="">[..]er/feature-post/climate-zones-explainer/</a> <br/><br/>What is Gondwana: the ancient supercontinent that changed Earth - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What are ecosystems and why they’re important - <a href="">[..]hat-they-are-and-why-they-are-important/</a> <br/><br/>Drilling to the Mantle: 6 unexpected discoveries from the world’s deepest well - <a href="">[..]iscoveries-from-the-worlds-deepest-well/</a> <br/><br/>The Thickest Layer of the Earth - <a href="">[..]nce/geology/thickest-layer-earth-mantle/</a> <br/><br/>The types of clouds: everything you need to know - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-fb35185888-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Why clouds don’t fall: the physics behind the sky’s fluffy wonders - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The main types of caves, according to science - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How the Moon is making days longer on Earth - <a href="">[..]-the-moon-is-making-days-longer-on-earth</a> <br/><br/>‘Rivers in the sky’ are why California keeps flooding - <a href="">[..]ic-river-flood-rain-california-explainer</a> <br/><br/>Nature is out of sync—and that’s reshaping everything, everywhere - <a href="">[..]phenology-seasons-climate-change-feature</a> <br/><br/>The main types of mountains — Earth’s ups and downs - <a href="">[..]t/main-types-mountains-earths-ups-downs/</a> <br/><br/>What is point Nemo: the loneliest place on Earth - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Rarely seen cliff art reveals the majesty of the Amazon’s aquatic realm - <a href="">[..]-cliff-art-majesty-amazon-aquatic-region</a> <br/><br/>How natural selection causes evolution - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Rock-solid geology puns that will make you erupt in laughter - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The Paratethys Sea was the largest lake in Earth’s history - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>World Heritage List - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What does a melting glacier sound like? 'Gunshots.' - <a href="">[..]/melting-glaciers-bubbles-climate-change</a> <br/><br/>Inner core rotation: Wait, the planet’s core is rotating? - <a href="">[..]/planet-earth/earth-inner-core-rotation/</a> <br/><br/>Earth is a geological oddball in our solar system. This is why. - <a href="">[..]le/earth-geology-rare-rocks-solar-system</a> <br/><br/>Metamorphic rocks: formation, types, examples - <a href="">[..]gy/rocks-and-minerals/metamorphic-rocks/</a> <br/><br/>What lurks beneath the surface of these forest pools? More than you can imagine. - <a href="">[..]premium/article/vernal-pools-forest-life</a> <br/><br/>25 Hidden Secrets of the Earth - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The ancient practice of 'good fire' is reviving Nebraska's birds, bears and berries - <a href="">[..]2-how-controlled-burns-can-help-wildlife</a> <br/><br/>GeoPicture of the week: Biggest crystals in the world - <a href="">[..]ant-crystal-cave-cueva-cristales-repubz/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-13T08:28:05Z LoadTest.txt 2024-12-13T08:26:20Z 2024-12-13T08:26:20Z <br/>Experience of using load testing tool - <a href=""></a> , in his opinions, look like <a href=""></a> is the best <br/><br/><a href="">[..]eparing-for-load-testing-best-practices/</a> <br/><br/>Use of Prometheus - <a href="">[..]dea-of-synthetic-monitoring-6c1e9d1caa07</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-13T08:26:20Z chocolate.txt 2024-12-01T11:02:43Z 2024-12-01T11:02:43Z <br/><a href="">[..]cts-you-wont-be-able-to-resist/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>解癮御用 黑巧克力 - <a href="">[..]ews/black-chocolate-is-good-for-you.html</a> <br/><br/>benefits-to-eating-chocolate - <a href="">[..]late-that-will-ease-your-guilt/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>A cup of cocoa can protect your blood vessels from some of the effects of fatty meals - <a href="">[..]from-some-of-the-effects-of-fatty-meals/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-12-01T11:02:43Z protocol.txt 2024-11-29T02:48:47Z 2024-11-29T02:48:47Z <br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <- CM CMTS Protocol for Cable Modems <br/><br/>Show full network path with "-T -p 80" - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>There can be racing condition between send() and close() due to the fact that kernal doesn't care about data at network card - <a href="">[..]inger-page-or-why-is-my-tcp-not-reliable</a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]erence-between-tcp-and-udp-protocol.html</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]ng-interview-questions-answers-Java.html</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <- Look like it is indeed pretty reliable, the problem is the ordering <br/><br/>Interview of easydns founder - <a href="">[..]w-with-mark-jeftovic-ceo-of-easydns.html</a> <br/><br/>Setup of keepalive TCP - <a href="">[..]-tcp-socket-connection-have-a-keep-alive</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Computer Networking Tutorial – How Network Applications Talk Over the Internet - <a href="">[..]how-applications-talk-over-the-internet/</a> <br/><br/>Top 20 Network Protocols You Must Know in System Design - <a href="">[..]-must-know-in-system-design-81eaab4b0c36</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-29T02:48:47Z material.txt 2024-11-29T02:47:40Z 2024-11-29T02:47:40Z <br/>Graphene - <a href="">[..]/graphene-superconductor-insulator-43242</a> <br/><br/>Around 40% of all the plastic we use is packaging. Single-use, plastic packaging. - <a href="">[..]esign-revolution-plastic-design-02082018</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Diamond - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Gold - <a href="">[..]gold-that-might-just-amaze-you/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>metallic-wood - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>recycled plastic - <a href="">[..]what-should-we-do-about-recycled-plastic</a> <br/><br/>Scientists make an 18-atom ring of pure carbon - <a href="">[..]sts-make-an-18-atom-ring-of-pure-carbon/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]e/pumice-uses-structure-feature-geology/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]are-alive-and-double-as-hi-tech-sensors/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]t-are-its-main-types-a-simple-explainer/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]/geology/roman-concrete-seawater-043432/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]material-we-stuff-our-wine-bottles-with/</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Volcano-dwelling beetle inspires new ‘passive cooling’ material - <a href="">[..]e/longicorn-beetle-coating-heat-9325234/</a> <br/><br/>Metal-eating bacteria discovered in dirty lab glassware - <a href="">[..]e/metal-eating-bacteria-manganese-05235/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]s-the-worlds-first-un-cuttable-material/</a> <br/><br/>Persians were making proto-stainless steel 1,000 years ago - <a href="">[..]ng-proto-stainless-steel-1000-years-ago/</a> <br/><br/>Marine sponges inspire stronger, lighter skyscrapers and bridges - <a href="">[..]tronger-lighter-skyscrapers-and-bridges/</a> <br/><br/>The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make - <a href="">[..]ary-fabric-that-no-one-knows-how-to-make</a> <br/><br/>Citrus fruit stands poised to make transparent wood more sustainable, stronger, and more transparent - <a href="">[..]ent-wood-citrus-monomers-upgrade-232524/</a> <br/><br/>Algae-based material could revolutionize the fashion industry - <a href="">[..]ould-revolutionize-the-fashion-industry/</a> <br/><br/>New “meringue” material could make air travel much quieter - <a href="">[..]/material-makes-flying-quieter-18062021/</a> <br/><br/>為什麼義大利名琴的音色難以複製? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>To find shortcuts in material science, researchers are increasingly looking at artificial intelligence. - <a href="">[..]aterials/ai-discover-materials-15072021/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists turn water into shiny metal - <a href="">[..]/?goal=0_3b5aad2288-551dd2c0a8-242734313</a> <br/><br/>Strongest glass in the world can scratch diamonds - <a href="">[..]/chemistry/strongest-glass-world-052352/</a> <br/><br/>Barnacle-inspired glue can seal wounds in seconds, save lives - <a href="">[..]cience/barnacle-glue-help-save-25082021/</a> <br/><br/>Batman cloak-like chainmail switches from flexible to tough on command - <a href="">[..]tches-from-flexible-to-tough-on-command/</a> <br/><br/>The next innovative material for clothes? How about muscles - <a href="">[..]erials/material-clothes-muscle-31082021/</a> <br/><br/>Roman concrete from noblewoman’s tomb still stands strong 2,000 years later. Here’s why - <a href="">[..]tands-strong-2000-years-later-heres-why/</a> <br/><br/>Algorithms could help usher in a new material revolution. - <a href="">[..]als/machine-learning-materials-18102021/</a> <br/><br/>It may save your sandwich, but plastic wrap pollutes the planet. Is there a better solution? - <a href="">[..]f-plastic-sticky-problem-of-plastic-wrap</a> <br/><br/>The traditional building material is cooler, cheaper, and requires less energy to make. But convincing villagers in Burkina Faso to stick with mud isn't easy. - <a href="">[..]ican-architects-choose-mud-over-concrete</a> <br/><br/>3D printing living materials with bioink made entirely from bacteria - <a href="">[..]with-bioink-made-entirely-from-bacteria/</a> <br/><br/>Damascus steel: the forgotten metal used to forge some of the world’s most amazing blades - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>What is stainless steel? - <a href="">[..]science/what-is-stainless-steel-feature/</a> <br/><br/>What color is a mirror? It’s not a trick question - <a href="">[..]or-is-a-mirror-its-not-a-trick-question/</a> <br/><br/>Why does bottled water have an expiration date? - <a href="">[..]/water-bottles-expiration-dates-feature/</a> <br/><br/>A new perspective on geology: scientists create incredibly detailed catalog of the origins of Earth’s minerals - <a href="">[..]talog-of-the-origins-of-earths-minerals/</a> <br/><br/>The story of how plastic was invented, and how it’s turned into a big problem - <a href="">[..]d-and-how-its-turned-into-a-big-problem/</a> <br/><br/>The secret to stronger cement has been hiding inside waste shrimp shells all along, says a new paper - <a href="">[..]nt-shrimp-shell-nanoparticles-246245245/</a> <br/><br/>Bricks made from waste oil stick to each other without mortar and could soon build a house near you - <a href="">[..]cks-waste-oil-sticky-ecofriendly-623423/</a> <br/><br/>Engineers use 19th-century photography technique to create stretchy, color-changing films - <a href="">[..]to-create-stretchy-color-changing-films/</a> <br/><br/>A new, super-tough hydrogel could be the knee replacement material of the future - <a href="">[..]gel-knee-replacement-cartilage-92462452/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists find unique material with its own memory, similar to human neurons - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why plastic doesn't dry in the dishwasher - <a href="">[..]why-plastic-doesnt-dry-in-the-dishwasher</a> <br/><br/>How if we stop using plastic? - <a href="">[..]would-happen-if-we-stopped-using-plastic</a> <br/><br/>How cold welding works: fusing metals without heat - <a href="">[..]elding-works-fusing-metals-without-heat/</a> <br/><br/>Why is the Statue of Liberty so green? There’s more to it than just a pretty color - <a href="">[..]res-more-to-it-than-just-a-pretty-color/</a> <br/><br/>How Gold is made and how it got to our planet - <a href="">[..]science/how-gold-is-made-science-064654/</a> <br/><br/>Researchers uncover the secrets behind the insane durability of Roman concrete - <a href="">[..]the-insane-durability-of-roman-concrete/</a> <a href="">[..]neering-has-lessons-for-the-modern-world</a> <br/><br/>Ukrainian researcher who fled war shows how recycled concrete can help his country rebuild - <a href="">[..]d-concrete-can-help-his-country-rebuild/</a> <br/><br/>What’s behind lithium mining? Here’s all you need to know - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why Game of Thrones’ Dragonglass is so deadly (obsidian)- <a href="">[..]-post/game-thrones-dragonglass-obsidian/</a> <br/><br/>What plastic is difficult to recycle - <a href="">[..]most-plastic-cant-be-recycled/a-64978847</a> <br/><br/>3D printing promises to transform architecture forever – and create forms that blow today’s buildings out of the water - <a href="">[..]todays-buildings-out-of-the-water-198954</a> <br/><br/>Archaeologists find the secret ingredient of Maya lime plasters - <a href="">[..]secret-ingredient-of-maya-lime-plasters/</a> <br/><br/>How did ancient cultures first discover iron? It fell from the sky. - <a href="">[..]ancient-cultures-discovered-iron-feature</a> <br/><br/>Can ‘enhanced rock weathering’ help combat climate change? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>New material can soak up record amounts of moisture from the air - <a href="">[..]record-amounts-of-moisture-from-the-air/</a> <br/><br/>Real-life invisibility cloaks are already here. But how do they work? - <a href="">[..]entions-1/real-life-invisibility-cloaks/</a> <br/><br/>Self-healing metal can repair itself just like human skin - <a href="">[..]l-can-repair-itself-just-like-human-skin</a> <br/><br/>The main types of minerals and their importance in geology - <a href="">[..]gy/rocks-and-minerals/types-of-minerals/</a> <br/><br/>A glass revolution is underway. Spoiler alert: it bends and bounces - <a href="">[..]mium/article/glass-revolution-innovation</a> <br/><br/>Bacteria turns plastic waste into super-strong spider silk - <a href="">[..]ws-science/plastic-waste-to-spider-silk/</a> <br/><br/>Why is Helium Disappearing? - <a href="">[..]/why-is-helium-disappearing-4064fc3bd704</a> <br/><br/>Columbia designed a fabric for space, and is now using it to make these jackets - <a href="">[..]nd-is-now-using-it-to-make-these-jackets</a> <br/><br/>Gypsum: mineral characteristics, properties, uses - <a href="">[..]-paleontology/rocks-and-minerals/gypsum/</a> <br/><br/>Lightweight yet mighty: 3D-printed titanium metamaterial could change engineering - <a href="">[..]future/3d-printed-titanium-metamaterial/</a> <br/><br/>Eco-friendly breakthrough extracts gold out of e-waste — and it’s all thanks to cheese - <a href="">[..]/science/news-science/whey-gold-e-waste/</a> <br/><br/>Programmable metafluid changes its properties on demand - <a href="">[..]afluid-changes-its-properties-on-demand/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists make the first single-atom-thick sheet of gold. It’s called ‘goldene’ - <a href="">[..]-thick-sheet-of-gold-its-called-goldene/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists forge an ‘impossible material’: a metal alloy with unmatched strength and toughness at all temperatures - <a href="">[..]tal-alloy-strong-tough-all-temperatures/</a> <br/><br/>Researchers have created a version of washi that is not only stronger, but also completely biodegradable. - <a href="">[..]aterial-paper-biodegradable-compostable/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists make transparent, fireproof glass-like material out of bamboo - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Can this futuristic fabric make climate heating more bearable? - <a href="">[..]s-science/reflective-material-city-heat/</a> <br/><br/>The future of clothing: wear it and then dissolve it into gelatin - <a href="">[..]ar-it-and-then-dissolve-it-into-gelatin/</a> <br/><br/>This impossibly thin fabric could cool you down by 16-plus degrees - <a href="">[..]fabric-could-cool-you-down-by-16-degrees</a> <br/><br/>What are thundereggs? The rare, chalcedony-filled rocks - <a href="">[..]rocks-and-minerals/what-are-thundereggs/</a> <br/><br/>Beautiful bismuth crystals: why this mineral can look so surreal - <a href="">[..]cture/bismuth-crystal-geopicture-redone/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists turn wood into a super-black material that absorbs nearly all light. And it was all by accident - <a href="">[..]s-turn-wood-into-a-super-black-material/</a> <br/><br/>Titanium: how we use the metal of the titans - <a href="">[..]materials-1/titanium-metals-uses-redone/</a> <br/><br/>What makes gemstones so brilliantly colored — spoiler alert, it’s physics - <a href="">[..]d-minerals/what-makes-gemstones-colored/</a> <br/><br/>Clinoptilolite: the unusual mineral used as protection after Chornobyl - <a href="">[..]y/geopicture-of-the-week-clinoptilolite/</a> <br/><br/>Why does nature keep making perfect cubical pyrite crystals? - <a href="">[..]opicture/cubical-pyrite-crystals-redone/</a> <br/><br/>From Wood to Rock: The Fascinating Process of Petrified Wood - <a href="">[..]ure/fossilization-petrified-wood-redone/</a> <br/><br/>Meet the world’s rarest mineral. It was found only once - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-29T02:47:40Z government.txt 2024-11-26T13:04:07Z 2024-11-26T13:04:07Z <br/><a href="">[..]-of-government-you-might-not-know-exist/</a> <br/><br/>What’s a Republic, anyway? Now is a good time to learn - <a href="">[..]d-humanities/history/what-is-a-republic/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-26T13:04:07Z bird.txt 2024-11-26T11:01:06Z 2024-11-26T11:01:06Z <br/>Rare birds - <a href="">[..]irds-you-might-have-never-seen/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Eagles - <a href="">[..]ht-change-the-way-you-see-them/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Owl - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Kiwi - <a href="">[..]animal-files-kiwi-birds-one-unique-birds</a> <br/><br/>Dodo - <a href="">[..]ls-ecology/dodo-lifestyle-study-0942423/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]e-exotic-birds-that-will-blow-your-mind/</a> <br/><br/>hummingbirds - <a href="">[..]ine/2017/07/the-science-of-hummingbirds/</a> <br/><br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Birds and bats have very weird gut bacteria, and it’s likely linked to flying - <a href="">[..]ds-bats-gut-bacteria-microflora-8235235/</a> <br/><br/>hummingbirds - <a href="">[..]/hummingbirds-slow-motion-flight-videos/</a> <a href="">[..]ts-unlock-secret-of-why-hummingbirds-hum</a> <br/><br/>get-know-these-15-common-birds - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Crows and Ravens - <a href="">[..]are-smartest-birds-in-the-world-0952352/</a> <br/><br/>Why Birds Matter, and Are Worth Protecting - <a href="">[..]</a> <br/><br/>How a 5-Ounce Bird Stores 10,000 Maps in Its Head - <a href="">[..]unce-bird-stores-10000-maps-in-its-head/</a> <br/><br/>Bringing back the ‘most endangered bird’ in the U.S. - <a href="">[..]eeding-save-florida-grasshopper-sparrows</a> <br/><br/>Hornbill - <a href="">[..]ill-gets-a-protection-boost-in-thailand/</a> <a href="">[..]rnbill-bird-ivory-illegal-wildlife-trade</a> <br/><br/>Why do flamingoes stand on one leg? - <a href="">[..]post/why-do-flamingoes-stand-on-one-leg/</a> <br/><br/>First Proof That Wild Animals Really Can Communicate With Us - <a href="">[..]/honey-bees-africa-animals-science-birds</a> <br/><br/>The Epic Journeys of Migratory Birds - <a href="">[..]/bird-migration-albatross-climate-change</a> <br/><br/>A new species of bird discovered in Brazil has a green head, yellow belly, and a high risk of going extinct soon - <a href="">[..]-brazil-threatened-yellow-belly-3345634/</a> <br/><br/>This is how land birds can fly across the open ocean - <a href="">[..]and-birds-can-fly-across-the-open-ocean/</a> <br/><br/>Scientists may have cracked an essential secret of shorebirds’ marathon migrations. - <a href="">[..]m/features/flying-by-the-fat-of-the-sea/</a> <br/><br/>Migratory birds have lighter feathers to deal with the heat - <a href="">[..]ratory-birds-lightered-colored-06122021/</a> <br/><br/>A look inside the monumental effort to save the Andean condor - <a href="">[..]umental-effort-to-save-the-andean-condor</a> <br/><br/>These wings are made for walking: a look at the flightless birds roaming our planet - <a href="">[..]gs-for-walking-flightless-birds-feature/</a> <br/><br/>Meet the Potoo bird: the living meme - <a href="">[..]nce/meet-the-potoo-bird-the-living-meme/</a> <br/><br/>There are more than 300 species of pigeons in the world—many of which are drop-dead gorgeous. “They’re the world’s most overlooked birds.” - <a href="">[..]icle/pigeons-diversity-doves-photographs</a> <br/><br/>How many birds are there in the world? - <a href="">[..]y/how-many-birds-are-there-in-the-world/</a> <br/><br/>What Do Crows Eat? An In-Depth Look at the Diet of These Intelligent Birds - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The Greater Honeyguide: A Fascinating Tale of Coevolution Between Birds and Humans - <a href="">[..]ature-post/greater-honeyguide-evolution/</a> <br/><br/>Monogamous birds may divorce when their partners cheat or are migrating - <a href="">[..]ws-science/monogamous-birds-may-divorce/</a> <br/><br/>Rufous Hummingbird — the feisty and mighty migrating nomads - <a href="">[..]-the-feisty-and-mighty-migrating-nomads/</a> <br/><br/>These people figured out how to talk to birds. The birds now adapt to different dialects - <a href="">[..]e-birds-now-adapt-to-different-dialects/</a> <br/><br/>Rare bird with half male and half female plumage photographed in Colombia - <a href="">[..]half-female-plumage/?utm_source=nicenews</a> <br/><br/>How do birds mate? The basics of avian sex - <a href="">[..]/animals/birds/how-birds-mate-avian-sex/</a> <br/><br/>The Sword-billed hummingbird: The only bird with a beak longer than its body - <a href="">[..]mals/birds/the-sword-billed-hummingbird/</a> <br/><br/>Can peacocks fly? A look at nature’s trade-offs - <a href="">[..]sciences/animals/birds/can-peacocks-fly/</a> <br/><br/>What It Took to Find and Photograph the Helmeted Hornbill - <a href="">[..]news-finding-helmeted-hornbills-thailand</a> <br/><br/>How AI is helping scientists protect birds - <a href="">[..]rds-apps-ai-citizen-science-conservation</a> <br/><br/>The harrowing 5,000-mile flight of North America's wild whooping cranes - <a href="">[..]oping-cranes-migration-flight-endangered</a> <br/><br/>Interactions between birds may look chaotic, but there’s a method to the madness. Play to find out which ones dominate at your feeder and why. <a href="">[..]/bird-feeder-interactions-dominance-quiz</a> <br/><br/>Everything you know about chickens is probably wrong. They’re much smarter than you think - <a href="">[..]rong-theyre-much-smarter-than-you-think/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-26T11:01:06Z decision.txt 2024-11-24T13:25:14Z 2024-11-24T13:25:14Z <br/>Toolkit for avoiding bad decisions - <a href="">[..]9aacb92-f854-11dd-aae8-000077b07658.html</a> <br/><br/>How to overcome the limitation? Speak up, be positive, and innovative - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Sharing of why making a change - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Some tips about how to find out what you really want - <a href="">[..]/where-do-you-go-for-career-inspiration/</a> <br/><br/>入錯行之后怎么辦? - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>The pros and cons of working with family - <a href="">[..]the-pros-and-cons-of-working-with-family</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-24T13:25:14Z communication.txt 2024-11-21T11:59:50Z 2024-11-21T11:59:50Z <br/>最難說出口的那句話 如何真誠且有效地說「對不起!」 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-21T11:59:50Z seed.txt 2024-11-21T11:57:22Z 2024-11-21T11:57:22Z <br/>Your Complete Guide to What Peppers to Use, When - <a href="">[..]to-what-peppers-to-use-when-4a3ba7dbe8ba</a> <br/><br/>Seeds are a great source of fiber, unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. But they’re not all created equal. See how experts rank the top edible seeds. - <a href="">[..]m/article/diet-seeds-nutrition-hierarchy</a> <br/><br/>9 Seeds You Should Be Eating - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>You may be overlooking this nutritional powerhouse. You shouldn't. - <a href="">[..]m/article/diet-seeds-nutrition-hierarchy</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-21T11:57:22Z US.txt 2024-11-19T06:26:08Z 2024-11-19T06:26:08Z <br/>united-states-postal-service - <a href="">[..]ited-states-postal-service-then-and.html</a> <br/><br/>surprising-facts-about-the-united-states-military - <a href="">[..]-facts-about-the-united-states-military/</a> <br/><br/>about-the-revolutionary-war-you-might-not-know - <a href="">[..]tionary-war-you-might-not-know/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>About White house - <a href="">[..]e-house-you-probably-never-thought-about</a> <a href="">[..]ite-house-facts-you-probably-didnt-know/</a> <br/><br/>Civil war - <a href="">[..]s-that-will-change-your-view-on-history/</a> <br/><br/>New York - <a href="">[..]ting-facts-about-new-york-city/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Lincoln - <a href="">[..]ught-you-about-abraham-lincoln/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Alaska - <a href="">[..]interesting-and-craziest-state/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>native-americans - <a href="">[..]n-facts-about-native-americans/?view=all</a> <br/><br/>Ali - <a href="">[..]s-you-might-not-know-about-muhammad-ali/</a> <br/><br/>珍珠港事件的歷史照片 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>25-biggest-screw-ups-that-completely-changed-history - <a href="">[..]rew-ups-that-completely-changed-history/</a> <br/><br/>george-washington - <a href="">[..]story/magazine/2015/12/george-washington</a> <br/><br/>Indian - <a href=""></a> <a href="">[..]most-endangered-historic-places-for-2020</a> <a href="">[..]apital-11-most-endangered-historic-sites</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]tory/league-nations-doomed-before-began/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]gynaecologist-who-fought-for-black-women</a> <br/><br/>Decades ago, this pollution disaster exposed the perils of dirty air - <a href="">[..]a-smog-disaster-exposed-perils-dirty-air</a> <br/><br/>joe-biden - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Who owns America’s history? The answer will define what replaces fallen monuments. - <a href="">[..]-what-replaces-fallen-monuments-feature/</a> <br/><br/>In 1921 rioters killed as many as 300 people, devastating a prosperous area for generations. Now the city is trying to reckon with the disgrace. - <a href="">[..]-mob-destroyed-a-black-community-feature</a> <a href="">[..]assacre-black-business-booming-greenwood</a> <br/><br/>What Benjamin Franklin’s battles with a deadly virus that swept Colonial America can teach us about our own struggles with anti-vaxxers - <a href="">[..]min-franklin-lessons-from-smallpox-0423/</a> <br/><br/>The Ugly Election That Birthed Modern American Politics - <a href="">[..]sidential-elections-1824-corrupt-bargain</a> <br/><br/>Arrested and tortured, the Silent Sentinels suffered for suffrage - <a href="">[..]article/silent-sentinels-womens-suffrage</a> <br/><br/>Ancient solar storm pinpoints Viking settlement in Americas exactly 1,000 years ago - <a href="">[..]ttlement-americas-exactly-1000-years-ago</a> <br/><br/>Harriet Tubman Is Famous for Being an Abolitionist and Political Activist, but She Was Also a Naturalist - <a href="">[..]-but-she-was-also-a-naturalist-180979689</a> <br/><br/>Cutting ties with a king might have seemed like "Common Sense" in the 1770s, but the desire was not unanimous among the colonists—until the Declaration convinced them otherwise. - <a href="">[..]ndependence-wooed-americans-from-britain</a> <br/><br/>Life, both big and small, returns to NYC’s 500 miles of coastline - <a href="">[..]l-returns-to-nycs-500-miles-of-coastline</a> <br/><br/>From sweeping views of the Grand Canyon to stunning waterfalls in Yosemite, these vintage photos capture timeless beauty of national parks in the United States. - <a href="">[..]l/national-parks/article/historic-photos</a> <br/><br/>'Hispanic'? 'Latino'? Here’s where the terms come from - <a href="">[..]panic-latino-heres-where-terms-come-from</a> <br/><br/>A leader of the indigenous Caribbeans known as the Taíno describes how his people’s history was erased—and what they’re doing to get it back. - <a href="">[..]eet-survivors-taino-tribe-paper-genocide</a> <br/><br/>How Tecumseh fought for Native lands—and became a folk hero - <a href="">[..]-for-native-lands-and-became-a-folk-hero</a> <br/><br/>How mail-in voting began on Civil War battlefields - <a href="">[..]n-voting-began-on-civil-war-battlefields</a> <br/><br/>Why the 1876 election was the most divisive in U.S. history - <a href="">[..]ed-states-history-how-congress-responded</a> <br/><br/>80 years after the Montford Point Camp was established to train enlisted African Americans, relatives and other Marines fight to document their contributions before it’s too late. - <a href="">[..]-the-stories-of-the-first-black-recruits</a> <br/><br/>These 5 ancient cities once ruled North America—what happened to them? - <a href="">[..]s-cities-north-america-archaeology-sites</a> <br/><br/>Take a road trip through Alabama’s civil rights history - <a href="">[..]-rights-trail-history-martin-luther-king</a> <br/><br/>Here Is How The Pentagon Comes Up With Code Words And Secret Project Nicknames - <a href="">[..]-code-words-and-secret-project-nicknames</a> <br/><br/>This Black artist’s vibrant quilts inspired generations of U.S. artisans - <a href="">[..]k-artist-woman-art-quilts-harriet-powers</a> <br/><br/>The first Black U.S. senator lived an extraordinary life - <a href="">[..]-senator-extraordinary-life-hiram-revels</a> <br/><br/>The surprising history of Hawai‘i’s hula tradition - <a href="">[..]rising-history-of-hawaiis-hula-tradition</a> <br/><br/>From Chinese railroad workers in Utah to Filipino shrimpers in Louisiana, here are tales of immigration, struggle, and belonging. - <a href="">[..]an-americans-deep-roots-in-united-states</a> <br/><br/>Oppenheimer - <a href="">[..]rld-war-ii-atomic-bomb-manhattan-project</a> <a href="">[..]er-historical-accuracy-christopher-nolan</a> <br/><br/>What is the Feast of the Seven Fishes? - <a href="">[..]le/what-is-the-feast-of-the-seven-fishes</a> <br/><br/>National Geographic partnered with the For Freedoms artist group On A Series of Photo Essays inspired by American History. - <a href="">[..]om/magazine/graphics/the-past-is-present</a> <br/><br/>Martin Luther King Jr.'s - <a href="">[..]68/i-have-a-dream-speech-in-its-entirety</a> <a href="">[..]-in-the-crowd-share-stories/70233565007/</a> <br/><br/>Artifacts pulled from the rubble of 9/11 become symbols of what was lost - <a href="">[..]-of-9-11-become-symbols-of-what-was-lost</a> <br/><br/>In 1967, a Black Man and a White Woman Bought a Home. American Politics Would Never Be the Same. - <a href="">[..]higan-suburbs-american-politics-00131386</a> <br/><br/>How Christmas Became an American Holiday Tradition - <a href="">[..]tion-with-a-santa-claus-gifts-and-a-tree</a> <br/><br/>Harriet Tubman, the spy: uncovering her secret Civil War missions - <a href="">[..]ium/article/harriet-tubman-spy-civil-war</a> <br/><br/>Hidden features in old colonial money reveal how Ben Franklin outwitted counterfeiters and shaped America’s first currency - <a href="">[..]-franklin-colonial-counterfeiting-money/</a> <br/><br/>Harriet Tubman, the spy: uncovering her secret Civil War missions - <a href="">[..]ium/article/harriet-tubman-spy-civil-war</a> <br/><br/>Why ‘the father of rock ‘n’ roll’ barely got paid - <a href="">[..]up-father-of-rock-n-roll-barely-got-paid</a> <br/><br/>Nine cities have served as America’s capital. - <a href="">[..]-cities-have-served-as-americas-capital/</a> <br/><br/>“Computers” used to be people. - <a href="">[..]dustry/fact/computers-used-to-be-people/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-19T06:26:08Z computer.txt 2024-11-18T12:01:33Z 2024-11-18T12:01:33Z <br/>Unix -<br/><a href="">[..]history-microsoft-unix-operating-system/</a> <br/><a href="">[..]nux-how-linux-became-everyones-favorite/</a> <br/><a href="">[..]hat-is-unix-and-the-history-of-unix-408l</a> <br/><br/>Woman -<br/><a href="">[..]story-of-women-in-computing-e7253ac24306</a> <br/><a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Design - <br/><a href="">[..]03/the-software-architecture-chronicles/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]ace/the-improbable-origins-of-powerpoint</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]se-hard-disk-drive-industry-d7747f793c99</a> <br/><br/>How to get old software and hardware working again - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>別小看人類玩遊戲的渴望! 電腦和電子遊戲同時起源於 1950 年代 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]insights/blog/100-years-computer-science</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]atchm/who-invented-the-microprocessor-2/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]e-whirlwind-computer-at-chm-dab505bc52a6</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]0-years-of-computer-science-ca2603bcec4d</a> <br/><br/>EBay - <a href="">[..]-and-the-times-that-could-have-killed-it</a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>A tribute to Alan Turing - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>滑鼠的共同發明人 William English 逝世,享耆壽 91 歲 - <a href="">[..]e-co-inventor-William-English-dies-at-91</a> <br/><br/>The Life of a Data Byte - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>【Wired 硬塞】世界第一顆真・微處理器與 F-14 戰機秘史 - <a href="">[..]history-of-the-first-microprocessor-f-14</a> <br/><br/>What Can We Learn From SQL’s 50 Year Reign? A Story of 2 Turing Awards - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Climbing the Peak: Agony and Ecstasy Of 200 Code Writers Beget Windows NT - <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How Quake Shook the World: Quake Turns 25 - <a href="">[..]how-quake-shook-the-world-quake-turns-25</a> <br/><br/>A History of Automatic Speech Recognition - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Why DEL is 0x7f, \n is linefeed, and fights break out in the tab vs space debate.- <a href="">[..]e/weird-programming-facts-1-3fe47d82a7fd</a> <br/><br/>Linux - <a href="">[..]/linus-torvalds-on-linuxs-30th-birthday/</a> <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Logical Piano Lessons - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>How Did Vim Become So Popular - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Ukraine’s Software & Computer Museum - <a href="">[..]es-software-computer-museum-1563a3efd434</a> <br/><br/>AWS 亚马逊云基础架构 16 年创新史- <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Long Live Software Easter Eggs! - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Cerf and Kahn may have invented the primary protocol for the internet, but many others made valuable contributions. - <a href="">[..]science/who-invented-the-internet-05264/</a> <br/><br/>50 Years of Fun With PONG - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>PostScript: A Digital Printing Press - <a href="">[..]pt-a-digital-printing-press-f3d9f1059997</a> <br/><br/>In Memoriam: Gordon Moore (1929–2023) - <a href="">[..]riam-gordon-moore-1929-2023-641bf50e62e2</a> <br/><br/>Xerox PARC - <a href="">[..]p-of-historical-proportions-93f5f502f608</a> <br/><br/>From Alto to AI - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>SimCity 4, the greatest citybuilder of all time, was released 20 years ago - <a href="">[..]er-of-all-time-was-released-20-years-ago</a> <br/><br/>Ethernet Turns 50! - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>ERMA was the absolute beginning of the mechanization of business. — Thomas Morrin, SRI Director of Engineering - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>A 1901 Map of the Undersea Cables that Shaped Global Communication - <a href="">[..]great-pics/map-undersea-cables-18112010/</a> <br/><br/>How IBM invented the smartphone, then abandoned it - <a href="">[..]nvented-the-smartphone-then-abandoned-it</a> <br/><br/>远离硅谷、不靠风投!18 人团队逆势搞出超人气数据库,CTO 一人 5 年多写了 15 万行代码 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>As Wi-Fi turns 25, here’s a look at how it was really created - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Google map - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-18T12:01:33Z fish.txt 2024-11-12T12:48:45Z 2024-11-12T12:48:45Z <br/>The skin of these bizarre deep-sea fish is among the blackest ever seen - <a href="">[..]ea-fish-is-among-the-blackest-ever-seen/</a> <br/><br/>Tongue-Eating Fish Parasites Never Cease to Amaze - <a href="">[..]ing-fish-parasites-never-cease-to-amaze/</a> <br/><br/>Likely several hundred pounds heavier than the record-holding Mekong giant catfish, the ray reportedly weighed nearly 880 pounds. <a href="">[..]e/giant-stingray-biggest-freshwater-fish</a> <a href="">[..]save-some-of-the-biggest-freshwater-fish</a> <br/><br/>The unique diversity of cichlids in Africa’s oldest lake could help unlock the secrets of evolution. - <a href="">[..]ing-parents-builders-and-dancers-feature</a> <br/><br/>The Amazon’s horrific candirú fish that swims up the urethra: fact or fiction? 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It’s spine-tingling to watch. - <a href="">[..]mals-up-close-wave-washing-killer-whales</a> <br/><br/>How scientists are piecing together a sperm whale ‘alphabet’ - <a href="">[..]icle/sperm-whales-alphabet-communication</a> <br/><br/>The Surprising Sleep of Sperm Whales: Vertical Naps in the Ocean Deep - <a href="">[..]s-ecology/sperm-whales-sleep-vertically/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-07T13:12:29Z eat.txt 2024-11-07T13:08:25Z 2024-11-07T13:08:25Z <br/>Research about how to eat - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>sweet-facts-about-fruits-that-you-never-knew/ - <a href="">[..]-facts-about-fruits-that-you-never-knew/</a> <br/><br/>yeast - <a href="">[..]east-incredibly-important-economic-role/</a> <br/><br/><a href="">[..]ience-manufacturing-supplements-30052018</a> <br/><br/>Sciene about bread - <a href="">[..]he-strange-science-inside-your-sourdough</a> <br/><br/>Eva Ekeblad - <a href="">[..]eva-ekeblad-and-the-inventor-of-alcohol/</a> <br/><br/>Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge - <a href="">[..]inand-runge-and-the-invention-of-coffee/</a> <br/><br/>What is tempura? - <a href=""></a> <br/>The Rise and Fall and Rise Again of MSG - <a href="">[..]/the-rise-and-fall-and-rise-again-of-msg</a> <br/><br/>It burns so good: why do some people like spicy food? - <a href="">[..]nce/why-people-like-spicy-foods-feature/</a> <br/><br/>台灣油芒失落半世紀 躋身救糧荒超級食物 - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>還記得兒時街邊的愛玉冰嗎? 清涼解暑愛玉背後的複雜膠化物理學 - <a href="">[..]talog/ins.php?index_m1_id=1&index_id=686</a> <br/><br/>What chemicals make you happy? - <a href="">[..]ind-brain/what-chemicals-make-you-happy/</a> <br/><br/>Candy scientist reveals the surprisingly complex science behind the Snickers bar - <a href="">[..]complex-science-behind-the-snickers-bar/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-07T13:08:25Z food.txt 2024-11-07T13:07:06Z 2024-11-07T13:07:06Z <br/>Feeding Baby: How to Avoid Food Allergies - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>Feeding Baby: 8 Eating Milestones - <a href=""></a> <br/><br/>the-first-1000-days-limiting-sugar-before-age-two-reduces-lifelong-diabetes-and-hypertension-risk - <a href="">[..]lifelong-diabetes-and-hypertension-risk/</a> <br/><br/><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-9426659565807829";google_ad_slot = "9359905831";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 15;//--></script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> 2024-11-07T13:07:06Z