<br/><TEXTAREA name="code" class="py" rows="16" cols="100">#:
# Demonstration of "visitor" pattern.
from __future__ import generators
import random
# The Flower hierarchy cannot be changed:
class Flower(object):
def accept(self, visitor):
def pollinate(self, pollinator):
print self, "pollinated by", pollinator
def eat(self, eater):
print self, "eaten by", eater
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
class Gladiolus(Flower): pass
class Runuculus(Flower): pass
class Chrysanthemum(Flower): pass
class Visitor:
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
class Bug(Visitor): pass
class Pollinator(Bug): pass
class Predator(Bug): pass
# Add the ability to do "Bee" activities:
class Bee(Pollinator):
def visit(self, flower):
# Add the ability to do "Fly" activities:
class Fly(Pollinator):
def visit(self, flower):
# Add the ability to do "Worm" activities:
class Worm(Predator):
def visit(self, flower):
def flowerGen(n):
flwrs = Flower.__subclasses__()
for i in range(n):
yield random.choice(flwrs)()
# It's almost as if I had a method to Perform
# various "Bug" operations on all Flowers:
bee = Bee()
fly = Fly()
worm = Worm()
for flower in flowerGen(10):
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# Demonstration of multiple dispatching.
from __future__ import generators
import random
# An enumeration type:
class Outcome:
def __init__(self, value, name):
self.value = value = name
def __str__(self): return
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value
Outcome.WIN = Outcome(0, "win")
Outcome.LOSE = Outcome(1, "lose")
Outcome.DRAW = Outcome(2, "draw")
class Item(object):
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
class Paper(Item):
def compete(self, item):
# First dispatch: self was Paper
return item.evalPaper(self)
def evalPaper(self, item):
# Item was Paper, we're in Paper
return Outcome.DRAW
def evalScissors(self, item):
# Item was Scissors, we're in Paper
return Outcome.WIN
def evalRock(self, item):
# Item was Rock, we're in Paper
return Outcome.LOSE
class Scissors(Item):
def compete(self, item):
# First dispatch: self was Scissors
return item.evalScissors(self)
def evalPaper(self, item):
# Item was Paper, we're in Scissors
return Outcome.LOSE
def evalScissors(self, item):
# Item was Scissors, we're in Scissors
return Outcome.DRAW
def evalRock(self, item):
# Item was Rock, we're in Scissors
return Outcome.WIN
class Rock(Item):
def compete(self, item):
# First dispatch: self was Rock
return item.evalRock(self)
def evalPaper(self, item):
# Item was Paper, we're in Rock
return Outcome.WIN
def evalScissors(self, item):
# Item was Scissors, we're in Rock
return Outcome.LOSE
def evalRock(self, item):
# Item was Rock, we're in Rock
return Outcome.DRAW
def match(item1, item2):
print "%s <--> %s : %s" % (
item1, item2, item1.compete(item2))
# Generate the items:
def itemPairGen(n):
# Create a list of instances of all Items:
Items = Item.__subclasses__()
for i in range(n):
yield (random.choice(Items)(),
for item1, item2 in itemPairGen(20):
match(item1, item2)
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# Multiple dispatching using a table
from __future__ import generators
import random
class Outcome:
def __init__(self, value, name):
self.value = value = name
def __str__(self): return
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.value == other.value
Outcome.WIN = Outcome(0, "win")
Outcome.LOSE = Outcome(1, "lose")
Outcome.DRAW = Outcome(2, "draw")
class Item(object):
def compete(self, item):
# Use a tuple for table lookup:
return outcome[self.__class__, item.__class__]
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
class Paper(Item): pass
class Scissors(Item): pass
class Rock(Item): pass
outcome = {
(Paper, Rock): Outcome.WIN,
(Paper, Scissors): Outcome.LOSE,
(Paper, Paper): Outcome.DRAW,
(Scissors, Paper): Outcome.WIN,
(Scissors, Rock): Outcome.LOSE,
(Scissors, Scissors): Outcome.DRAW,
(Rock, Scissors): Outcome.WIN,
(Rock, Paper): Outcome.LOSE,
(Rock, Rock): Outcome.DRAW,
def match(item1, item2):
print "%s <--> %s : %s" % (
item1, item2, item1.compete(item2))
# Generate the items:
def itemPairGen(n):
# Create a list of instances of all Items:
Items = Item.__subclasses__()
for i in range(n):
yield (random.choice(Items)(),
for item1, item2 in itemPairGen(20):
match(item1, item2)
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