Usability Gaffes: Things That Make You Go Arrrgh!
Talkback: Tell us about usability gaffes you've found
Continued from Paralyzing dialog boxes
Undoubtedly, you have your own examples of usability gaffes, drawn from your computing experience. On the pages below you'll find comments from other readers about problems they've encountered. There is also a TalkBack form that lets you post your own examples of usability gaffes. As we collect these comments, we'll forward them to the producers of the software. Please restrict your comments to specific usability issues with specific software. And be specific; your comments just might make a difference.
- Operating Systems
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Macintosh, etc.
- Web Browsers
Internet Explorer, Navigator/Communicator, etc.
- E-Mail & Groupware
Outlook, Messenger, Eudora, Notes, etc.
- Wordprocessors
Word, Wordperfect, etc.
- Spreadsheets
1-2-3, Excel, Quattro Pro, etc.
- Databases
Access, DBase, Foxpro, etc.
- Graphics
Illustrator, Paint Shot Pro, Photoshop, etc.
- Other Software