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Certificates, Keys, and Security


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Certificates, Keys, and Security
Not Just Microsoft

Continued from Software Publishing

We've seen how digital certificates can contribute to secure Web connections and e-mail communication, and how software publishers can use them to give users additional confidence in the products they distribute over the Web. Although most of the examples have focused on specific Microsoft products, it's important to realize this isn't just a Microsoft--or even Windows--technology. New security products are continually being released, though you might want to wait until they become established as standards. Smart cards, for example, offer greater security by requiring both the physical card and (optionally) a password. Unfortunately, each smart card vendor has created its own CSP that works only with its hardware, effectively limiting portability. So, though today's digital-certificate technology is more appropriate for business and technically sophisticated users, new client tools and emerging directory services will eventually make it easier for all users to exchange secure data.

Published as PC Tech Feature in the 4/20/99 issue of PC Magazine.

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Making E-Mail Secure -- PC Tech
Internet Security Standards -- PC Tech

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