/* ************************************************ */
/* */
/* memb_ext/4 */
/* Arg 1: Element */
/* Arg 2: List */
/* Arg 3: Atom, being a relation. */
/* Arg 4: Atom, either det or non. */
/* Summary: true if Arg 3 is an atom and */
/* memb_ext1/4 is true. */
/* Author: P J Hancox */
/* Date: 28 October 1994 */
/* */
/* ************************************************ */
% 1
memb_ext(Elem, List, Relation, Det) :-
memb_ext1(Elem, List, Relation, Det).
/* ************************************************ */
/* */
/* memb_ext1/4 */
/* Arg 1: Element */
/* Arg 2: List */
/* Arg 3: Atom, being a relation. */
/* Arg 4: Atom, either det or non. */
/* Summary: true if Arg 1 and the head of Arg2 */
/* are related by Arg 3. Works deter- */
/* minstically if Arg 4 is det; non- */
/* determinstically if Arg4 is non. */
/* Author: P J Hancox */
/* Date: 28 October 1994 */
/* */
/* ************************************************ */
% 1 terminating
memb_ext1(Elem, [Head|_], Relation, _) :-
functor(Relation1, Relation, 2),
arg(1, Relation1, Elem),
arg(2, Relation1, Head),
% 2 recursive - deterministic
memb_ext1(Elem, [Head|List], Relation, det) :-
functor(Relation1, Relation, 2),
arg(1, Relation1, Elem),
arg(2, Relation1, Head),
\+ call(Relation1),
memb_ext1(Elem, List, Relation, det).
% 3 recursive - non-deterministic
memb_ext1(Elem, [_|List], Relation, non) :-
memb_ext1(Elem, List, Relation, non).
The main difference is the splitting the recursive clause into two. If the
parameter is 'det' then the failure of the relation has to be tested (ie
in the sub-goal \+ call(Relation1)); if the parameter is 'non'
then there is no need to test the relationship.