Module 1
Instantiation, matching and unification



The behaviour of "=" has two facets, instantiation and matching, and we have seen both.

We have seen that instantiation is the way in which variables acquire a value. We have also seen that once a Prolog variable has been instantiated, it cannot be reinstantiated. This is an important point, because Prolog (and logic programming languages in general) differ from procedural languages at this point.

We have seen that matching compares two items. Matching either succeeds or fails.

Prolog combines both the facets in one built-in predicate, which has the name "unify". Prolog (and logic programming languages in general) use the unification algorithm to implement matching and instantiation. Briefly put, as it is an algorithm it is a predetermined method that will always give us predictable results. We can unify the following:

        atom = atom.
        atom = Variable.
        Variable = atom.
        Variable1 = Variable2.
Self-test 5 further develops your understanding of unification.

Unify requires a term on either side of it. If both terms are atoms, it is simply a matter of comparing the two atoms to see if they are identical.

What if one or both of the terms are variables? We have seen several cases, eg:

Unifying a variable with an atom:

     | ?- Lorry = scammell, write(Lorry).
     Lorry = scammell ?
So "=" has the effect of giving a variable a value. This process is known as instantiation. An uninstantiated variable (eg "Lorry") is instantiated when it is unified with an atom.

If both terms are instantiated variables, then the values of the variables are matched just as if they were atoms, hence the following:

     | ?- Car1 = nova, Car2 = nova, Car1 = Car2.

     Car1 = nova,
     Car2 = nova ?
     | ?- Car1 = nova, Car2 = fiesta, Car1 = Car2.

Take time to work through the Self-Test 5